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Every computer user wants his device to work stably and allow you to use its resources in full and for its intended purpose. In order to realize these desires, all components of the computer must be serviceable and ready to work, but this does not always happen. A special impact on the speed of the computer have storage devices - hard drives and solid state drives, which in modern realities often ...

Publication Date 12.12.2019Comments 0 Number of views 310Category windows-10
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Despite the General negative opinion of users about the regular browser of the operating system called "Internet Explorer", which is dictated by more than 10 years of experience, millions of users from around the World continue to actively use it. Many government agencies and commercial organizations are forced to continue such cooperation with the already obsolete browser, as some software is abl...

Publication Date 11.12.2019Comments 0 Number of views 605Category windows-10
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Working with the Windows operating system, you can never be sure that the normal functioning of the software will not be interrupted by the occurrence of any error or failure. The imperfection of the operating system is exacerbated by the not always correct operation of the user/operator of the computer, which interfere with the system processes, not caring about the consequences. That is why it i...

Publication Date 11.12.2019Comments 0 Number of views 187Category windows-10
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Each of us when faced with the question of comparing something, in many ways, looking for one key answer: "Which of these is better?". This applies to all objects of choice, such as comparing machinery, comparing books, comparing cars or any other items. In the framework of this article, we will focus on a rather topical issue, given that more and more users are thinking about switching the router...

Publication Date 17.11.2019Comments 0 Number of views 870
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The vast majority of the user segment of network equipment are ordinary users who deploy the network within the boundaries of their home / apartment, or create small local networks (in the office, between residential and non-residential premises, etc.). It is for this segment that router/router manufacturers, for the most part, adapt the release of their equipment, which was easy to handle and sta...

Publication Date 16.11.2019Comments 0 Number of views 323Category best_picks
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There are various reasons that make users of the Windows 10 operating system think about the need to delete their local account and Microsoft account. These reasons include – forgotten password, lost access, lack of direct operator who previously worked with the account, etc. This is not difficult to do, and in this article, we will demonstrate this clearly.

Publication Date 08.11.2019Comments 0 Number of views 149Category windows-10
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In the last article, we touched upon the issue of deleting a user account with and without saving files. But, within the functionality of the Windows 10 operating system, there is also the possibility of disabling the account, without its immediate removal. This method, in other words, involves only hiding the login data and displaying the account in the system, which allows you to implement many ...

Publication Date 08.11.2019Comments 0 Number of views 216Category windows-10
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Previously, we have already dealt with questions about disabling and deleting a user account created as part of working with the Windows 10 operating system. Now it's time to consider an equally relevant issue – is the renaming of the account. Such a need arises quite often, for example, the computer operator has changed, and the sense to create a new account is not, tired of the old name and want...

Publication Date 08.11.2019Comments 0 Number of views 353Category windows-10
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Competent structuring (distribution) of the workflow-it has always been and is, one of the main factors of successful work at the computer. Everyone who actively works with the computer, for example, uses a lot of open programs, tabs and folders, knows that switching between active Windows cannot be called a pleasant thing and from constantly moving from one tab to another does not save even the c...

Publication Date 08.11.2019Comments 0 Number of views 259Category windows-10
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We, users of the Windows operating system, have repeatedly encountered errors in the functionality of the update. The variety of such errors is constantly alarming, and in each update procedure, we Willy-nilly prepare for the occurrence of freezes and errors. For example, this is a situation where the computer just hangs with a notification about the inability to install/configure Windows updates,...

Publication Date 30.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 357Category windows-10
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Do not be afraid of the title of this article and the following material. Almost every error that is considered on our website, involves the opening and use of the functionality of the "control Panel". If in previous versions of the operating system, Control Panel was directly in the "start" menu, then with the release of "Windows 10" its location has changed, which confuses some users and causes ...

Publication Date 28.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 237Category windows-10
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Each of us, in one way or another, but there are certain secrets or information that we would not want to share with anyone. We (computer users), as the owners of such information, try to protect it and avoid publicity, and most importantly, try to prevent its falsification. With the same principle works and the operating system, which hides important components from the eyes of users and does not...

Publication Date 28.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 279Category windows-10
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Every user of a computer running the Windows operating system, one way or another, but faced with errors that required a certain approach to the solution. While most of the problems associated with the Windows hang and the inability to complete the failed process are solved with the help of a universal tool - "Task Manager", then most of the problems with hardware and drivers are solved with the h...

Publication Date 28.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 169Category windows-10
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External hard drives, as well as drives that have been converted in a certain way from conventional HDD/SSD to portable-this is certainly a very convenient device that allows you to store a large amount of data in a mobile form. But, as well as "stationary" disks they are also subject to external influence-strong shaking, blows, finding with sources of electromagnetic interference, influence of hi...

Publication Date 28.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 195Category windows-10
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Despite the existing problems and gaps in the security system of Windows 10, it should be noted that there are many built-in protection tools/tools that cope with their work to ensure the safety of user personal data and to maintain the proper level of operability of the operating system itself. Even without installing specialized anti-virus software, you can quite comfortably (of course, knowingl...

Publication Date 23.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 168Category windows-10
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The "Blue Screen of Death" is how many "tears" of millions of users in this term. Each user encountered a critical error with the appearance of a blue screen and a lot of strange characters. While the appearance of “BSOD” in Windows XP and Windows 7 was indeed accompanied by horrific notifications, then with the advent of Windows 10, developers significantly redone the functionality and limited th...

Publication Date 23.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 105Category windows-10
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As we all already know in the system partition of the disk, which is used to preserve the operability of the operating system, there are many folders and files, which provide regular operation of Windows and all components. Given their importance for the correct operation of the computer as a whole, their contents and any changes should be treated with extreme caution, as rash actions can lead to ...

Publication Date 23.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 362Category windows-10
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Despite the fact that turning on / off the computer is a familiar occupation and not distinguished by its complexity. But, when the task is the implementation of the shutdown of the computer in a certain period of time, then many people have a question, how exactly can be done. There is a huge number of options of the third-party software, which can embody all needs of the user in this question, b...

Publication Date 23.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 124
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All of us who worked with Windows 7/8 on Windows 10, one way or another, but have witnessed problems both in the process of updating and in the further operation of the operating system. In 2015, many users were faced with the fact that when the Windows 10 desktop was loaded, the button to open the Start menu did not respond not to a mouse click, not to a click on the WIN button. In addition to th...

Publication Date 23.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 116Category windows-10
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It is worth starting the search for answers on the topic under discussion with the assertion that nothing is missing for nothing. In any error, in any problem in the operation of the operating system and the computer as a whole, there is necessarily a certain causal relationship, the search of which becomes the key to solving them. It must be understood that the operation of a computer has a very ...

Publication Date 23.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 90