How to View and Hide Hidden Files, Folders and Drivers in Windows 10 | Tutorial

Date of publication of the material 28.10.2019 Article views 279 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

Each of us, in one way or another, but there are certain secrets or information that we would not want to share with anyone.

We (computer users), as the owners of such information, try to protect it and avoid publicity, and most importantly, try to prevent its falsification.

With the same principle works and the operating system, which hides important components from the eyes of users and does not allow them to third-party processes.

This ensures both the safety of data necessary for the operation of Windows, and the safety of personal data of the user.

And it is about this functionality (hiding/hiding) of the operating system and will be discussed in this article.

How to View Hidden Files and Folders

Do you agree with the statement that any issue should be approached comprehensively?! This also applies to the topic under consideration.

Before to hide something, you need to understand how these "secrets" then open/show/view, otherwise the task is only "acquire" additional concerns and questions.

Within the Windows 10 operating system to work with hidden elements is quite simple, it requires only the following:

  • Open “File Explorer”;
  • Expand the “View” tab;
  • Click on the section “Show/hide”;
  • Uncheck the “Hidden items” line. 

How to View Hidden Files and Folders

Thus, all elements with certain properties will be displayed in Explorer and file managers.

Being on the same tab "View "you can open the section" Options " -"Change folder and search options".

Open the "View" tab and scroll through the list to the "Hidden files and folders" section, you will only have to set "Show hidden files, folders and drives". 

In folder Options chek: Dont show hidden files,folders, or drivers

How to Hide Files and Folders

This need arises not only when the user needs something to hide from the "prying eyes", but also when the directories were randomly" opened " or accessed the files of the operating system, changing the structure of which is not recommended, especially when there is no relevant knowledge and skills.

If the element of interest has already been hidden, and you just activated its display, it is enough to simply check the box in the line "Hidden elements", as shown above.

But, if you are interested in hiding a file or folder that is not, you will need to assign the appropriate attribute for this:

  • Right click on a folder or file;
  • Selected “Properties”;
  • Notice the Attributes block;
  • Check the box next to "Hidden"and click OK. 

How to Hide Files and Folders. In Folder properties select Hidden parametr

Here it is necessary to note the obvious, but important thing.

Suppose you have a "Test1" folder, inside which there is a "Test" file and a "Test 2" folder. You need to hide the "Test1" folder and the "Test 2" folder, but keep the "Test" file display. Accordingly, you change the attribute to hidden for the folder "Test 2" and for the main folder "Test 1" without applying to nested objects. File "Test" is also" lost", but the situation is not a stalemate.

Now, in order to access the file "Test" you just need to open the "Explorer" and register the address where the object, for example, "C:\Users\JOB\Videos\Test 2". Despite the fact that the folder "Test 1"is hidden (and therefore hidden all its contents), this approach will allow you to get the desired access to the file, but without "showing" all the rest of the content. 

Availabe hidden folder by direct adress input

An alternative to the above procedure is to use the command line.

The essence is absolutely the same, only the execution changes:

  • Press "WIN+S" and type "Command Pront»;
  • Select “Run as administrator”;
  • Enter the command "cd C:\Users\JOB\Videos\" where after the "cd" enter the path to the desired folder;
  • Next, type and execute the attrib +h “folder/file Name " command, for example attrib +h “Test 1”. 

Change attributes folder with command prompt

To cancel the action of this attribute, execute the command attrib-h " folder/file Name”

It is also possible to say about the existence of an option with the use of changes in registry values, but in solving this problem – this approach is superfluous.


The last thing worth noting is a small degree of protection to such an approach of hiding important files for you, since anyone who knows the direct location of the file can freely access the object.

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