3 Easy Ways - How to Delete User Account Windows 10

Date of publication of the material 08.11.2019 Article views 149 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

There are various reasons that make users of the Windows 10 operating system think about the need to delete their local account and Microsoft account.

These reasons include – forgotten password, lost access, lack of direct operator who previously worked with the account, etc.

This is not difficult to do, and in this article, we will demonstrate this clearly.

How to Delete an Account

Solution 1

It is worth starting with one logical statement – in order to delete an account, you need to log in with another account that will have administrator rights.

Also, you will not be able to delete the account if it is where you are currently.

The rest of the procedure is as simple as possible, namely:

  • Click “Start” and open “Settings”;
  • Go to "Accounts"; 

    How to Delete User Account Windows 10. In Windows Settings select Accounts

  • Select "Family & other users";
  • Select the account you want to delete with a mouse click and click on the "Remove" button»;

    Select: Family & other users and then click Remove button

  • A window will open with the question "Delete account and data", where you need to click on the button of the same name. 

Confirm that you want delete an account and data

It should be understood that as the operating system itself notifies, these actions will lead to the complete loss of all the contents of the deleted account.

Solution 2

Which differs little in its complexity from the above – is to use the functionality of the "Control Panel", it also allows you to save the files of the owner of the user:

  • Open the "Control Panel" in any way convenient for you;
  • Go to "User Accounts"; 

    In Control Panel click on User Accounts

  • In the window that opens, click on the line "Manage another account"; 

    In User Accounts window click on the line: Manage another account

  • A list of available accounts will appear, select the desired one by clicking; 

    A list of available accounts will appear, select the desired one by clicking

  • Next, click on the line "Delete the account"; 

Next click on the line: Delete the account

  • As you can see, in this window it is possible to choose the option to save files, just click on the button of the same name, and the folder with the contents of the account will appear on the desktop of the active account;

You can delete account but keep user Files

  • Next, to delete, click on the "Delete Files" button. 

Or you can delete all User Files. For that click Delete Files button

It remains to continue working with the operating system Windows 10.

Solution 3

The third option is to use the "Computer Management" functionality»:

  • Open "This PC" - "Computer Management";
  • Select the folder "System Tools" - "Local users and groups" - "Users";
  • Select the right mouse button click the desired account and click "Delete"; 

Open Computer Management and expand the Local users and groups, then click on Users and click delete

  • Read the notification that appears and click "YES". 

Read the notification that appears and click - YES

As an addition, it is worth citing some actions that allow you to "turn" a Microsoft account into a local one.

To do this, simply open the "Accounts" section and in the section where the data used to log in (login/email address) is presented, click on the line "Sign in with a local account instead". 

In Windows settings click on - Sign in with a local account instead

You will only have to confirm the login in the window that opens, entering the password if necessary.

Enter your local account info and password if necessary


These are not all options that can allow you to implement the tasks set in this article, but they are the easiest to perform and are suitable for all editions.

It will also be useful to read the article on creating a user account.

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