How to Disable an Account in Windows 10 | Tutorial | 911-win.com

Date of publication of the material 08.11.2019 Article views 216 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

In the last article, we touched upon the issue of deleting a user account with and without saving files.

But, within the functionality of the Windows 10 operating system, there is also the possibility of disabling the account, without its immediate removal.

This method, in other words, involves only hiding the login data and displaying the account in the system, which allows you to implement many tasks in solving most organizational problems.

And how to do it and will be shown in this article.

How to Disable/Hide an Account

To begin with, it should be noted that in advance it is necessary to make sure that after hiding the target account, there will be an actual account with administrator rights.

This will be required for further login.

Let us focus on two main ways to solve the problem:

Solution 1: Use the "Local Users and Groups" Functionality:

  • Right - click on the shortcut "This PC" and select "Manage";
  • The computer Management window opens;
  • Open the folder "System Tools" - "Local users and groups" - "Users"; Open Computer Management, then open Local users and groups and click on Users
  • Select the desired account and click on it with the right mouse button, selecting "Properties"; 

Select the desired account and click on it with the right mouse button - Properties

  • On the General tab, select the “Account is disbaled” check box and click OK. 

On the General tab, select: Account is disbaled

That's all.

Solution 2: Use the Command Line Console Functionality:

  • Hit "WIN+S" and type in the search bar "cmd.exe";
  • Click on the "Run as administrator" button;
  • The console opens, where you must enter and execute the command "net user";
  • Pay attention to the opened list of accounts and select the one you need;
  • Enter the command "net user NAME /active: no", where instead of" NAME " enter the name of the account you want to disable. 

How to Disable an Account in Windows 10 with Command Prompt

Restart your computer and make sure that the account you previously selected is no longer displayed when you log on to the desktop.


The last thing worth noting is the activation of the disabled account is made absolutely with the same procedure. In the first variant-it is removal of a tick from the specified point, in the second-it instead of "no", to specify in command "yes".

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