Screen split up to 4 parts on Windows 10 | Switch Screens | Tutorial

Date of publication of the material 13.12.2019 Article views 1705 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments


How do you feel about multitasking? Someone considers the desire of a person to perform several tasks at the same time as a negative character trait, motivating his attitude with the famous saying with two hares. And for some, multitasking is a characteristic feature of a full and comprehensive implementation of the workflow.

This issue is especially relevant for computer users, especially for those who spend all their working time at the monitor of a personal computer, taking into account also the current trends in freelancing/ remote work.

In this article, we will touch on the functionality of multitasking, which is implemented in the operating system Windows 10 and is available to every user.

Regardless of whether you have a large computer monitor (laptop screen) or not, two of them or one, the key to successful simultaneous work on two projects is a competent distribution of active Windows on the desktop or on desktops.

For example, one part of the screen has an Internet browser tab open, another part has a text document open, or the screen is divided into 4 parts with 4 active Windows.

How to do it? This is what will be discussed further.

How to Split the Screen into two Parts

Of course, to implement the task, you can simply use the computer mouse cursor or laptop touchpad, placing all the necessary Windows on the screen. Yes, indeed, the meaning is the same, but functionally it will be less useful than using the built - in function "Snap Assist".

To check whether this function is activated or not, it is enough:

  • Press "WIN+I"; 

Kombination for Split the Screen into two Parts

  • Open the "System" section; 

Open Windows Settings and click on System

  • Go to the "Multitasking" subsection. 

Then click on Multitasking subsection | Screen split Windows 10

A window will open where there are four switches, activate the ones you need and close the options window. 

Work with multiple windows - select activate the ones you need and close the options window

So, now to split the screen into two equal parts, it is enough to open the desired window and press the key combination "WIN + left or right arrow".

The previously selected active window will move to the selected side, and the remaining Windows will be presented as thumbnails. To place the second desired window in the free half of the desktop, just click on it with the mouse. 

To split the screen into two equal parts, it is enough to open the desired window and press the key combination (WIN + left or right arrow)An example of what a split screen looks like in Windows 10

It is worth noting that the thumbnails of the Windows will appear when the active item "When I snap a window, show what i can snap next to it".

How to split the Screen into three or four Parts

Such a separation is feasible in the same way as the above method.

Open the desired window and click "WIN+ left or right arrow "plus" WIN+ up or down arrow".

In this way, the Windows can be arranged in a similar way. 

An example of what a split screen looks like in 4 parts in Windows 10


It's simple, but as convenient as possible if you want to work with multiple objects at the same time.

Also for example, one of the most popular uses of "Snap Assist" is one window with a movie, another window with a web browser.

And continuing the question of multitasking, I advise you to pay attention to the "Windows 10 Multiple Desktops".

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