Windows 10 Multiple Desktops | Switch Desktops | Virtual Desktop | Tutorial

Date of publication of the material 08.11.2019 Article views 264 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

Competent structuring (distribution) of the workflow-it has always been and is, one of the main factors of successful work at the computer.

Everyone who actively works with the computer, for example, uses a lot of open programs, tabs and folders, knows that switching between active Windows cannot be called a pleasant thing and from constantly moving from one tab to another does not save even the combination of "ALT+TAB".

All open Windows on the same desktop are arranged in such a way that finding the right takes up precious time.

That is why many active users of the Windows operating system prefer to structure (at least visually) their workflow in a certain way, using various Windows chips, as well as attracting third-party software (for example, file managers, organizers, etc.).

And one of these chips Windows called "Virtual Desktop" and will be discussed in this article.

What's it Multiple Desktops

"Multiple desktops" is a highly anticipated feature of the Windows 10 operating system that aims to visually structure/distribute open Windows across multiple virtual desktops.

If you give a definition in a slightly different way, then as you know the usual desktop is limited to one screen (you can expand it to several monitors) on which the shortcuts of programs and all the Windows that open are located.

As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, all active Windows open on one desktop, and the virtual one allows you to create a copy of the desktop and place/move all the necessary Windows on it.

For example, suppose that a user works with two documents of different orientation at once and uses two tabs opened in different Internet browsers in his work.

Thanks to the virtual desktop, he was able to leave two connected in the sense of active Windows on the main workspace, and the other two "send" to the second (virtual) desktop.

You can also bring another example. On one desktop (let's call it the main one) documents in Word are open, on the second (1st virtual) video or photo editors are open, on the third (2nd virtual) browsers are open, etc., etc.

But it is necessary to understand one extremely simple and logical thing-the virtual desktop only visually distributes active Windows, and all resources which consume active processes, their priorities of distribution of resources between them remains on absolutely at the same level. Roughly speaking, one desktop works for the operating system, even if there are dozens of virtual desktops.

As for the number of desktops created, as far as we know, developers do not limit users in this aspect, and the number can exceed far beyond a few hundred. It all depends on the capabilities of your computer.

But is it appropriate to create so many workspaces? I don't think.

How to Create a Virtual Desktop

Despite the fact that among users, this feature is not as popular as it deserves, to enable the virtual desktop is as simple as possible, it is enough:

1. Click on the "WIN + TAB" button, which opens the "Task View" functionality and click "New desktop"; 

Creating Virtual Desktops in Windows 10

2. An alternative option is to use the keyboard shortcut "CTRL + WIN+D", which must be entered only once. 

Use CTRL + WIN+D to Create Virtual Desktops on Windows 10

Externally, nothing will change; you will see a copy of the desktop without active Windows on it.

How Use Virtual Desktops

It is necessary to begin with a question of switching between "tables". This can be done very simply:

1. Click "WIN+TAB" again and notice that you have two tabs "desktop 1" and "desktop 2"on top. To switch between them and the following will only select the desired tab. 

How Use Virtual Desktops: Win+Tab - to switching between tabs

2. Or just press the key combination "CTRL + WIN+left or right arrow". 

press the key combination CTRL + WIN+left or right arrow to change Desktop

But it is also worth noting that in the work of this functionality there are several nuances that should be taken into account. For example, if you open a Word document on one desktop (no matter which one), you switch to another and open a new Word document, it will automatically open on the desktop where another document is already active, that is, it will form a group.

To avoid this, you need to perform several additional actions, namely:

  • Click "WIN + TAB" again and right-click on the tab of the active window that you want to move to the created virtual desktop;
  • Select "Move to" and "desktop №" where instead of "№" you will see the desktop number you need. 

Move the Document to Virtual Desktop 2

It should be said that in addition to this option, you can use just a quick switch to the desired desktop, at the same time when the process starts. For example, this is quite simple to do when you run a document from the office application Suite.


So, the virtual desktop is really very useful, but the most simple functionality that allows you to configure the computer as comfortable as possible.

The last thing that should be touched upon in this article are a few additional aspects of the virtual desktop:

  • To delete, just open the "task View" and click on the cross;
  • The created virtual desktop is saved even after a reboot (or complete shutdown of the PC), but all autorun items run on the main desktop;
  • If you activate "Show this window on all desktops", the active window will be displayed everywhere;
  • If you activate the item "Show Windows from this app on all desktop", the principle is the same, but this applies to software that may have several active Windows, for example, the same Word.

Everything is simple, fast and as convenient as possible.

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