3 Easy Ways How to Automatically Shut Down Your Computer at a Specified Time

Date of publication of the material 23.10.2019 Article views 125 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

Despite the fact that turning on / off the computer is a familiar occupation and not distinguished by its complexity.

But, when the task is the implementation of the shutdown of the computer in a certain period of time, then many people have a question, how exactly can be done.

There is a huge number of options of the third-party software, which can embody all needs of the user in this question, but it is possible to configure automatic shutdown of the computer and only tools of an operating system.

And this is what will be discussed in this article.

How to Set a Timer

Among the existing options, there are three tools that work with which is not very complex, and does not take much time from the user.

Solution 1 – Using the Functionality of the CMD or "Run"

Yes, at its core, it is the same thing. To implement this option, you need to run only one command – "shutdown", but with several parameters that will determine the time interval of shutdown, namely:

  • "/s " - indicates to the system that the command is executed to shut down the computer;
  • "/t " - sets the timer in seconds.

Here it is worth noting that, if necessary, you can also add a parameter "/f", which will forcibly close all open programs without additional notification to the user.

In the final version, the command to execute might look like this:

  • Click on the "WIN+R" button";
  • Enter the command "shutdown /s /t 120", where instead of "120" specify the number of seconds after which you want to turn off the computer;
  • You will only need to complete important processes for you and be ready to shut down the computer after a specified time. 

How to Automatically Shut Down Your Computer

Solution 2 – Using ".bat" File

Creating a "bat file" with a specific set of commands is generally a very useful skill, as it allows you to automate many routine tasks and processes.

Create it is not difficult; it is enough to do only the following:

  • Create a text document using Notepad or another text editor;
  • Paste the following script into the file
@echo off
if %time%==12:00:00.00 goto: b
goto :a
:b shutdown.exe / s /f /t 60 /c "Your computer is shutting down. See you soon!»

In the line "if %time%==12:00:00.00 goto: b", you need to specify the time according to the time zone installed on your computer, after which the computer will be turned off.

The last line will display an informational message that the computer will shut down, and the value of the parameter "/t" perform the same role as in the variant described above.

  • Save the resulting file by clicking "Save as" and setting the name "shutdown.bat"; 

 bat File to Automatically Shut Down Your Computer

  • If necessary, click on the "Show/Hide" section and select the check box in the "File name extensions" line;
  • Press "F2" and delete in the file name.txt;
  • Agree to change the configuration of the file by clicking on the "Yes" button»,

Click twice on the resulting file and continue.

Solution 3 - Through the "task Scheduler" Functionality

This is a longer option, but involves a more flexible configuration of the task, and, consequently, the automation of the task:

  • Press "WIN+R" and execute the command "taskschd.msc"; 

    Open Windows Task Scheduler with taskschd.msc command

  • In the window that opens, click on "Create Basic Task"; 

    In Task Scheduler click on Create Basic Task

  • Set the desired task name, for example, "Computer automatic shutdown" and click "Next"; 

    Input the Name new Basic Task in Task Scheduler

  • In the next step "Trigger" determine the frequency of the created task, for example, "Daily" and click "Next"; 

    Select trigger in new Task - Daily and click Next button

  • Next, you need to enter the date and time when you want to perform the task/turn off the computer; 

    Select the date and time when you want to perform the task turn off the computer

  • At the "Action" stage, set "Start a program";

At the (Action) stage, set (Start a program)

  • The next step is the most important, because you need to enter a command that will be automatically run by the system when the specified time period is reached;
  • In the line "Program/Script" write "shutdown";
  • In the line "Add argument (optional)" write the parameters, which have already been mentioned above-is "/s" and "/t"; 

Select bat file for shudown PC and add arguments /s /t120

  • You will only have to complete the task creation and wait for its automatic execution.

As can be seen from the presented order of action in it there is nothing complicated.


It remains to touch only previously announced options for the use of third-party software.

There are dozens of similar utilities, but the most interesting and versatile is "PowerOff" and similar utilities.

In fact, they only perform the same commands that were given in this article.

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