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Where did this office romance, when all the offices are entangled with wires. To each computer stretch an abundance of cables, and under the floor "snake" kilometers of wires that unite office computer in a single network. But this used to be typical not only for the workplace. The abundance of cables and sockets could be found under your home computer Desk, horrified by this interweaving, which c...

Publication Date 04.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 190Category windows-10
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If critical errors occur (their other name is “BSOD” or “blue screens of death”), as a rule, one of the main causes of the problem is the incompatibility or conflict of any software driver with the operating system. A typical representative of such errors is the culprit of the topic under consideration - "Driver irql not less or equal", which will be addressed in this article.

Publication Date 04.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 314Category windows-10
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The Microsoft company is very committed to making the “perfect operating system”, but achieving this is very difficult. Therefore, Windows 10 still regularly encounters errors - sudden and, at first glance, causeless. And in this article we will talk about one of these errors with the text "UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME", consider the causes of its occurrence and possible solutions to the problem.

Publication Date 04.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 113Category windows-10
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There is an opinion that no matter how much RAM is available, it will still be insufficient. This thesis really meets the modern technical requirements that are necessary for comfortable work with the Internet and offline resources. And in this article we will talk about problems with noticeable slowdown of the operating system and system alerts that the correct operation of the software is imposs...

Publication Date 03.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 152Category windows-10
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Since the advent of the first modern computers, users have become accustomed to a single algorithm: press the PC power button - the monitor greets the user with the operating system logo - you can start using your computer. They rarely think about the system device and the need for regular maintenance of the device, and, as a rule, at those moments when unpleasant unforeseen situations arise: for ...

Publication Date 03.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 26
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Like a similar problem with a prolonged shutdown of a computer, the “popular” difficulty among Windows 10 users with prolonged booting of the operating system in most cases is the result of incorrect actions by the user. Among these actions can be identified, for example: thoughtless modernization and actual incorrect assembly of a computer; lack of proper "care" for the PC and maintaining the "cl...

Publication Date 03.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 65Category windows-10
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Such a system error is not encountered so often, but its occurrence is rather unpleasant, since this system failure can cause difficulties in displaying desktop elements, which often interferes with its elimination. And in this article we will talk about how to eliminate the error "Windows script host cannot find the specified file", as well as what are the reasons for its occurrence.

Publication Date 03.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 6726Category windows-10
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Some users of the Windows 10 operating system are faced with the fact that when you try to start some program to view videos or photos, listen to music, or surf the Internet, a notification appears with the text: “An app caused a problem with the default app setting for .nrw files, so it wa reset to Photos. ".Accordingly, instead of dots in the text, information is provided on resolving problem fi...

Publication Date 03.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 546Category windows-10
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Problems with the Windows Firewall happen infrequently - after all, few people use it correctly or use it for its intended purpose - but errors in the operation of the firewall are still possible. One of these problems is an error with the notification “Windows Firewall was unable to change some settings. Error code 0x80070422 ”, which occurs when starting an application. And in this article we wi...

Publication Date 03.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 1562Category windows-10
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The first wave of users switching from the Windows 7 operating system to Windows 10 caused massive requests and user dissatisfaction with the fact that Windows 10 removed quick access to view the performance index. In previous versions of Windows, it was possible to find out estimated information about how fast the operating system will work on the existing computer configuration in the “System Pr...

Publication Date 02.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 212Category windows-10
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How to create a Windows 10 imageUsing the Windows 10 operating system, unfortunately, suggests various errors that can lead to the loss of certain important data, so the need for backup when working with the OS can not be overestimated. And in this article we will talk about one of the favorite actions of all system administrators - the creation and use of "backups". Backup (better known as backup...

Publication Date 02.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 126Category windows-10
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Currently, taking into account that almost everyone has a smartphone and a computer, in every home (meaning the user segment of Windows), one way or another, but there is a local network connecting devices connected to the same network. But, after wireless networks densely entered our life, opportunities of a local area network receded on the second plan as many prefer a certain "independence" tho...

Publication Date 02.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 79Category windows-10
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One of the most popular office problems associated with using network printers is a system message with the text “Windows cannot connect to the printer. Unable to find a core driver package that is required by the printer driver package. "This error contains many incomprehensible terms for the average user, so most users just try to restart the working computer, which in this case is completely us...

Publication Date 02.10.2019Comments 0 Number of views 638Category windows-10
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Each of us, in one way or another, but there are certain secrets or information that we would not want to share with anyone. We (computer users), as the owners of such information, try to protect it and avoid publicity, and most importantly, try to prevent its falsification. With the same principle works and the operating system, which hides important components from the eyes of users and does not...

Publication Date 29.09.2019Comments 0 Number of views 1186Category windows-10
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Despite the obvious, for many, more stable optimization of Windows 10 compared to previous versions of the operating system, it is often observed certain moments that characterize the software of Microsoft is not the best side. One of such moments can be called peculiar to Windows 10 - excessive load on the components of the computer, which in previous versions was also observed, but in smaller qu...

Publication Date 29.09.2019Comments 0 Number of views 207Category windows-10
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Windows 10 has a more pleasant and adapted interface than users have been offered in previous versions of the operating system (especially compared to Windows 8). But the interface offered by Microsoft does not always satisfy users. For example, some owners of computers with Windows 10 note that they have lost the language bar that allows you to immediately determine which language is selected inp...

Publication Date 29.09.2019Comments 0 Number of views 783Category windows-10
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Just a couple of years ago, BSOD caused genuine fear among most users who, when they saw an error message on a blue background, were ready to give any money in order to solve this problem. Over time, such system failures began to occur less frequently: due to the correction / improvement of the operation of the operating system itself from Microsoft, or an increase in Internet literacy of users. H...

Publication Date 27.09.2019Comments 0 Number of views 526Category windows-7
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One of the most common problems when using a single computer by multiple users is the inability to log in to a guest type account. In response to user attempts to log into such an account, the system gives an error with an unpleasant message “Unable to load user profile”. And in this article we will consider why this malfunction occurs, how to fix the problem on our own and in the future prevent i...

Publication Date 27.09.2019Comments 0 Number of views 250Category windows-10
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The transition to the modern Windows 10 operating system for most users went without difficulties and negative consequences. However, for some devices (usually quite outdated), installing a new operating system took a lot of effort and patience. One of these problems is the constant "slowdown" of the computer when running programs, games and applications that use the microphone functions or captur...

Publication Date 27.09.2019Comments 0 Number of views 96Category windows-10
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The problem with the correct operation of software drivers is one of the most relevant and "of permanent" system failures that continue to bother users in our computer age. One of such “giants” is an error with code 28, which signals that some component of the system or a connected device needs normal software drivers for the system to work, which the system simply did not detect. This error often...

Publication Date 27.09.2019Comments 0 Number of views 67Category windows-10