Kernel power event 41 task 63 - How to Fix

Date of publication of the material 27.09.2019 Article views 526 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

Just a couple of years ago, BSOD caused genuine fear among most users who, when they saw an error message on a blue background, were ready to give any money in order to solve this problem.

Over time, such system failures began to occur less frequently: due to the correction / improvement of the operation of the operating system itself from Microsoft, or an increase in Internet literacy of users.

However, many mistakes of the "past" still continue to annoy inexperienced users. Such a bright "representative" of critical errors is the "Kernel-power event code 41 category of task 63", which will be discussed in this article.

Kernel power 41 - causes of error

Like almost any critical error, “Kernel-power event code 41 task category 63” is accompanied by an uncontrolled reboot of the operating system, and sometimes a blue screen appears with a notification of the error code and the problem file / component.

In the logs of this error, you can find a description that looks like this: “The system rebooted without completing a full operation. This error may be the result of the system stopping responding, a critical failure, or a sudden power outage." However, such a description absolutely does not give clues about the causes of a system failure.

And there are a lot of possible reasons, and in 99% of cases the problem is purely hardware in nature and is mainly associated with incorrect operation:

  • Power supply unit;
  • RAM;
  • Controllers;
  • CPU;
  • Motherboard.

The main sources of the problem under consideration are precisely the first two points, on the basis of which one should look for an option for troubleshooting.

As an alternative way to solve the problem, it is worth trying to call the blue screen (if one did not appear when an error occurs).

To do this, open “My / This computer”, then right-click on an empty area of the window, call “Properties” and go to the “Advanced system settings” section.

Kernel power event 41 task 63 - How to Fix

In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab and click on the "Options" button in the "Load and Restore" section.

Here you need to pay attention to:

  • need to uncheck the "Perform automatic reboot" line;
  • A “dump file” that has a save path is “% SystemRoot% \ MEMORY.DMP”.

This file is created automatically and contains the aforementioned logs with a description and interpretation of the error.

What to do when a critical error occurs - option 1

It should be noted right away that an error with “kernel-power” due to the specificity of its causal relationship rarely occurs on laptops, therefore all options and methods for solving the problem are applicable specifically to prefabricated / stationary personal computers.

Also, this error indicates that there are problems with the power supply of a component, which causes a critical system crash, but you shouldn’t accurately identify the problem component based on software only (which may demonstrate incorrect diagnostic results) - it’s better to check the power supply " in the old-fashioned way "using a multimeter or contact the service center for more in-depth computer diagnostics by specialists.

So, if you have a multimeter, do the following:

  • Remove the power supply from the case;
  • Connect any component (for example, a cooling cooler) to the power supply unit to create a load - this is necessary to obtain the most reliable results of its operation.
  • Using the jumper, close two contacts - “PS-ON” and “COM”, on many power supply units they are marked in green and black, respectively, and are next to each other. If your PSU does not have color separation, then rely on the standard pinout scheme.

20 and 24 Pin Connector - for test your Power Supply

  • After connecting the load source and installing the jumper, turn on the power supply to the power supply, after which two coolers should work - the first connected to the load, the second cooling of the power supply itself.
  • The pinout diagram also indicates the indicators that the contacts should issue (for example, the yellow contacts should have + 12V, red + 5V, and orange + 3.3V).

Based on these requirements, test the voltage of each of 20 or 24 wires.

Any results obtained with a deviation from the norm may indicate that the cause of the critical error is associated with unstable operation of the power supply.

Option 2

The second most common cause of the kernel-power error is a malfunction or incompatibility of the installed RAM.

As the minds have already said, any testing - even by various software tools - can provide results about the absence of errors and malfunctions, but in fact there are those.

Therefore, without wasting time, try to gradually turn off the installed RAM strips - in order to find out whether the problem is really related to them, or whether you should look in another direction.

Also pay attention to the compatibility of RAM and the motherboard.


Of course, I would like to have some definite and consistent instructions for solving the problem under consideration, but, unfortunately, there are simply no such recommendations - since a critical error in itself is individual in nature and can occur in almost any situation.

Therefore, to begin with, you should perform a physical check of the correct operation of the computer components by conventional enumeration, and if the reasons will not be identified, proceed to the software tests.

Special attention should be paid to two points:

  • integrity of system files and folders - to do this, scan using the “sfc / scannow” and “CHKDSK” commands;
  • Check the correctness and relevance of the installed software drivers.
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