Xinput1_3.dll Was Not Found - How to Fix

Date of publication of the material 04.10.2019 Article views 668 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

The more powerful and productive computers become, the more software is required to take full advantage of all the features. Because modern drivers, individual shells and libraries are often created for individual tasks. It is much more reliable and reliable to make several separate libraries, each of which will be responsible for individual effects or functions, than to push everything and everything into one.

In view of this, the modern operating system contains a large number of files, which are drivers, separate libraries, and various resources. And most of them are not only an ordinary user, but the administrator is unlikely to even know when. But only until this particular library is missed.

Like, for example: xinput1_3.dll.

Detailed Description of dll File

Detailed Description of  xinput1_3 dll File

This library is designed to provide a colorful and realistic gameplay when using your personal computer. Also, the functions of this file may be required when working in very powerful graphic editors. In particular, when modeling complex objects in ArchiCAD or AutoCAD. Almost always - if the designer works in a software package such as 3D Max, which is partly part of the gaming industry.

Xinput1_3.dll itself is one of the directX components. The first time he appeared in DirectX version 9. Now the last version is version 12 (with separate releases). And the library is present in all of them. The library is primarily responsible for characterizing what video and sound cards can support. This can be seen from the set of open functions of the library "XInput ..."

XInput1_3 dll File - Available Functions

In the absence of the specified library on the computer, the application will not be able to inspect the hardware in order to determine the optimal settings for the video process. In accordance with this, an error will appear when starting the application (game) itself.

The error most often appears as:

The program can't start because XINPUT1_3.dll is missing from your computer/ Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.


Failed to load "xinput1_3.dll" System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The specified module could not be found.

Therefore, the application does not start.

Where Might Such an Error Appear

Most often, an error can occur in Windows10. Why is this happening? This operating system has great potential for protecting its system files. However, that Windows Defender, that the Firewall, unfortunately, is often mistaken in its activities.

It often happens that internal services block, quarantine and even delete individual files that, according to the algorithm, can be a threat. This is despite the fact that xinput1_3.dll is in fact a part of the software package itself that Microsoft itself is developing. However, the fact is that some manufacturers may modify individual libraries from the DirectX distribution. And it is precisely the changes made that may seem just malicious codes.

Along with the game, there is almost always a DirectX installation file. It can go just for the purpose that the user does not search for it on the Internet, and it can go in view of using this particular version and release when developing the game. Even the old version of DirectX libraries can be regarded by Windows Defender (which has updated threat databases) as a malicious file. In view of the fact that it is radically different from the current one.

In view of this, Windows itself may be causing the error. And when you try to start the game, a message appears that one of the system critical files was not found.

Xinput1_3.dll Was not Found - How to Fix

First of all, it is necessary to clarify whether the file itself is available. The file should be in the following folder:

C: \WINDOWS \system32

Check file Xinput.dll in System 32 Directory

In the event that a 64-bit OS is installed, the file should be located in the directory:


Xinput dll for 64 Bit should be in: SysWOW64

This is where applications look for the specified library of API functions and throw an error if they could not find it.

File Missing

If the file is not found in the specified location (and xinput1_1.dll and xinput1_1.dll may not be detected with it; only xinput1_4.dll is installed with clean Windows10), then there may be several reasons:

  • DirectX was not installed;
  • The file has been deleted due to the activity of malware or antivirus software.

It may happen that only xinput1_3.dll will be absent, while files with other serial numbers are present. On the Internet, such a thing is popular as downloading individual libraries and then adding them to Windows. However, this should not be relied upon in its entirety. Some of these similar downloaded libraries may contain viruses or trojans. And instead of a working computer, you can get an infected computer.

It is safer and faster to download and install the latest version of DirectX. You can do this on the Microsoft website:


Even if there is full confidence that the package was installed, it is advisable to update it. It is possible that due to the duration of the work, there were failures on the hard disk. And after checking it for errors, for example, after a sharp power outage, the file could not be restored entirely.

The file is on the specified paths

In this case, it is possible that the library is simply not registered in the registry. This could happen due to errors when installing DicrectX, or if the user simply downloaded xinput1_3.dll and placed it in the system directories.

In this case, registration of the library may help:

Run Command Promt as adminitrator to registration dll file

This can be done using the command line (Start -> Run or through the search for cmd application). This should be done on behalf of the administrator, since actions are performed with system files.

Execute registration dll File in Command Promt with Commad Promt

File registration is carried out in the format:

"regsvr32 xinput1_3.dll"

It’s better and more reliable to always indicate the full path to the file. In doing so, take the path itself in quotation marks. If there is a space in the file location, then without the quotes the registration program will throw an error. The registration program also checks the file directly in the folder where the active part of the Command Line is now located (this is the part of the line before the regsvr32 command starts - "C:\Windows\system32>"). That is, the whole team will be in the following form:

"regsvr32 C:\Windows\system32\xinput1_3.dll"

Also, if the OS Windows is 64-bit, then you will need to perform a similar action with the second directory:

"regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\xinput1_3.dll"

After that, to fix the problem, you should restart your computer.

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