Top 6 Solutions: Internet Always Disconnects - How to Fix

Date of publication of the material 09.10.2019 Article views 263 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

It is quite difficult to imagine, especially to the modern younger generation, what life would be like in the 21st century without the Internet and all its technologies and capabilities.

The life activity of a modern person, including his labor activity, is wholly and completely tied to the Internet, and the occurrence of problems with access to the World Wide Web is regarded as a personal disaster, which, in essence, is somewhat.

In the framework of this article, we will consider one of these global problems, which is characterized by spontaneous disconnection of the Internet connection on the computer.

Who is to blame for this? What are the reasons, and most importantly, how to solve this problem? Answers to these and other questions will be given below.

Determining the Cause - Diagnosis

So, as has been said many times, the main thing is to determine the cause. This is necessary in order to be able to identify the culprit or, at least, reduce the range of possible suspected errors.

As in most other cases, the problem of the situation in question is characterized by two main types:

  1. This is a hardware level issue;
  2. This is a software level issue.

Everything is as standard as possible.

Hardware Error Check

Surely, many already understood from the name that the word “hardware” implies the presence of physical problems with equipment. So, first of all, it is necessary to exclude possible culprits when figuring out the reasons for disconnecting the Internet.

The procedure for applying the recommendations in each case may vary, the main thing is to adhere to the basic structure and check all possible options:

  1. The first action is extremely logical, but it does not entirely relate to the hardware look - it is to reboot the router. Yes, it is a reboot in most cases that allows you to return the connection, but they do not fix the cause of the gap itself, which must be taken into account.
  2. Check the cable density on the router. All connectors must be physically sound, contacts and plugs must not contain chips, no deposits or corrosion effect of metal elements and other unauthorized changes of the original form.
  3. Check the power supply/adapter for serviceability. If there are appropriate tools (for example, a multimeter), make sure that the power adapter shows the indicators corresponding to the declared characteristics indicated on the sticker.
  4. Check the condition of the cables / wires laid in the room (residential or non-residential) and connected to the router and computer. Make sure that the cable of the provider is intact and safe, that it is not twisted, insulation is not broken, and also that the cable laying place does not intersect with sources of possible electromagnetic interference.

Confirm or deny the presence of hardware problems can only be a physical check in all possible and affordable ways.

If none of the above was recorded by you, then you should go directly to the equipment and network settings.


It is worth noting that the connection may disappear not only when using wireless data technology (WiFi), but also when using a wired connection.

This circumstance significantly complicates the definition of the problem, therefore, for greater clarity, the main reasons (which will be discussed below) should be given in the form of a table:

As can be seen from the above table, in order to solve the issue under consideration, quite substantial work is required. And this is what should be dealt with further. First things first:

  1. Incorrect software driver used

    Both Wi-Fi and wired internet require driver support for the network adapter. As has been said everywhere and repeatedly, drivers in the Windows operating system, in fact, are one of the most defenseless components that are constantly subjected to "external and internal attacks."

    To test this theory, you will need to roll back the driver to a previous version or delete it, followed by an update:

    • Right-click on the icon “Computer” and select “Manage”; 

      Open Computer Manage

    • In the Utilities directory, open Device Manager;
    • In the list of components that opens, find and expand the “Network Adapters” section;
    • Depending on which connection you are using, open the adapter you want, for example, use a wired connection with the adapter "Qualcomm Atheros AR8152 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.30)" as a demonstration;
    • Click on the selected option with the right mouse button and open its “Properties”;

      Open properties selected ethernet adapter

    • Go to the “Driver” tab and pay attention to the version of this driver indicated there and compare it with the version that is offered directly by the developer.

      Check Date and version driver

      You can see the current version and download it from the manufacturer of your network card, or the manufacturer of your laptop. Alternatively, you can use specialized software, for example, DriverPackSolutions. In more detail about how to update drivers we wrote an article:How Update Drivers in Windows 10

      Please note that the “Rollback driver version” functionality is present in the same tab if fixed and considered problems with the connection showed themselves after updating the previously used version.

      You can Roll Back Driver

    • As another alternative, you can try to remove the device (by clicking on the appropriate button), restart the computer and allow the operating system to install the driver it needs on its own. For security, you must first download everything you need, including drivers, or have another device with an active Internet connection.

      Uninstall Device from System (Advanced)

  2. High Network Load

    • On one computer they play an online game;
    • On SmartTV, they watch a broadcast;
    • On one smartphone they are engaged in web surfing, on the second they are viewing content on a well-known video hosting;
    • Traffic distribution is handled by an old router, purchased about 5 years ago, and up to a certain point it manages the load;
    • The user on the computer minimizes the game, and includes downloading a large file;
    • The Internet breaks and returns only after a reboot.

    The given situation is familiar to many, and the conclusion from it suggests itself - the router simply can not cope with the modern requests of its users.

    Only three ways out of this situation are possible:

    1. Agree on the use of traffic, with limited resources;
    2. Manually limit the consumption of traffic for each device manually, with a ban on exceeding limits;
    3. Get a more powerful router that can support the desired level of load.

    The first and third options imply only the availability of agreements and / or the possibility of acquiring new equipment.

    The second option can be implemented as follows: (for example, TP-LinkTL-WR940N):

    • For further work, it is necessary to determine the mac addresses (physical addresses) of devices that are planned to be used on the home network (taking the above example as a basis). To do this, open the hardware settings and see the "Information" section. This can be done in the settings of the smartphone or in the settings of the TV. In order to see this information about the computer, just open the command line and run the command “ipconfig / all”, where detailed information will be provided, including the desired mac-address will be indicated in the line “Physical address”.

      Get Full information about network connections

    • Open the router’s web interface by entering the address (or in the address bar of the browser;
    • Enter the username and password to confirm the legitimacy of the requested access;

      Enter the username and password to router

    • Please note that if you still use the login/password set by default as admin/admin, then the first thing to do is change them to your own options. To do this, go to the "System Tools" - "Password".

      In System Tools open Password. Here you can change login and password

    • Open the “DHCP” section and check that the “DHCP server” is turned on and a range of assigned addresses is assigned for all devices connected to the network;

      Open DHCP settings and set Start - End range IP Adresses

    • Go to the section "Address Reservation" and click on the "Add New" button;

      Go to the section Address Reservation and click on the Add

    • In the line "Mac Address" enter the physical address of the device, for example, a computer, and in the line "IP Address" enter the corresponding value from the above range.

      Enter Mac Address, IP address, select state and click save button

      Repeat the manipulations for all the necessary gadgets.

    • In the line “Type of line” indicate “Other” (if there is such a parameter), configure the value of the outgoing and incoming bands taking into account individual parameters;

      Setting bandwidth control parameters per user

    • Open the "List of rules" subsection and click on the "Add New" button;

      Setting bandwidth control parameters per user

    • In the "IP Address Range" line, specify the assigned ip-address, and below set the desired speed indicators that will be allocated to a specific device, for example, a computer. As part of the example, 1 Mbps for download and 1 Mbps for download were set.

      setting Internet usage limit for each user

      Similar actions should be repeated for all devices.

      From the moment you save the settings, the computer and the rest of the device will be provided with exactly as much traffic as you authorized and no more, which will allow you to adjust the load of the router based on its actual capabilities.

  3. Non-optimal Wireless Settings are Used.

    It should be understood that the quality of a wireless network is affected by many factors, for example, a router is used in an apartment building, where the equipment of neighbors works in the same modes and with the same channels. This circumstance can directly affect the speed of the network and the stability of the connection, in particular, it can lead to the problem under consideration.

    Therefore, you should experiment with the wireless settings:

    • Open the router’s web interface again and go to the “Wireless Settings” section;
    • Pay attention to two parameters:
      • “Mode” - from all the options, choose the one that can cover the maximum number of standards, for example, “11bgn mixed”;
      • "Channels" - the most popular recognized from 6 to 11. In this case, you can use the brute force method and check all available options except 13, since this channel is not supported by all devices.

        Select Mode, Channel Width and Channel for Best Wifi Signal

      • After that, it will remain to save the settings and check whether the connection breaks persist.

      To check the busy channels, you can use third-party software, for example, "inSSIDer".

  4. Computer Power Settings

    This option is quite common among users using laptops / netbooks, where to save battery power, you can disable the wireless adapter.

    To set the power mode, do the following:

    • Press the key combination “WIN + R” and execute the command “control powercfg.cpl”;

      Open Power Options window for select Preferred plans

    • On the used power scheme, select the settings section;

      Power plans for your device - Select Balance and thne Change plan settings

    • In the window that opens, click on the line "Change advanced power settings";

      In edit Plan Settings click on Change advanced power settings

    • Expand the branch “Wireless Adapter Settings” - “Power Saving Mode” and for each option (from the network and from the battery) set the value to “Maximum Performance”;

      In Wireless Adapter Settings expand Power Saving Mode and select: Maximum Performance

    • Click “OK”;
    • Press "WIN + R" again and run the command "mmc devmgmt.msc".

      open Device Manager with command: mmc devmgmt.msc

      or in the usual way, open the "Device Manager";

    • Open the properties of the wireless network adapter and go to the "Power Management" tab;
    • Uncheck the box “Allow the computer to turn off this device to sawer power”, click OK.

      Uncheck the box: Allow the computer to turn off this device to sawer power

  5. Incorrect network settings

    Incorrect network settings of a computer, usually lead to a complete loss of access to the Internet, but in theory, under certain circumstances, they can lead to the considered cliffs.

    • Right-click on the network connection icon in the tray and select "Diagnostics of problems" or "Troubleshoot problems";

      Windows Trubleshoot problems

    • Depending on the results of the diagnostic utility, the recommended actions should be taken;
    • Open the "Network and Sharing Center" - "Change adapter settings";

      Open Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings

    • Right-click on the connection used and open its “Properties”;
    • Among the marked components, find the line “IP version 4 (TCP / IP)” and click “Properties”;

      In this window find the line IP version 4(TCP/IP) and click Properties

    • In all the tabs there, check if there is anything extraneous or unauthorized by you. As a check, take screenshots of all windows, and simply put all the manually entered parameters into automatic mode and test the connection quality.

      Set  all parameters into automatic mode

    It will also be useful to check the operating system for virus activity by antivirus software and scan the system with the sfc / scannow scanner. There will be no harm, but there is benefit.

  6. Connection Blocked by Antivirus

    In most cases, this happens as a result of the work of regular means of protection - a firewall. Therefore, to confirm / refute this, you should temporarily disable it:

    • Disable all elements of checking and restricting access to the Internet, installed anti-virus software;
    • Open the "Control Panel" and go to the "System and Security";

      Open Control Panel and go to System and Security

    • Among the available options, select “Windows Defender Firewall”;

      In System and Security open - Windows Defender Firewall

    • Next, open the "Enable or disable Windows Defender Firewall";

      Next, open Enable or disable Windows Defender Firewall

    • In the window that opens, select "Disable Windows Defender Firewall" for both the private network and the public.

      Select turn off for Private and Public networks

    Check if the gaps are repeated or the Internet is stable. If the first option is turned on by antivirus, and if necessary, turn on the firewall.


If none of the above has saved your Internet connection from disruptions, then it’s just right to contact your ISP to conduct diagnostic work on your network. In addition, perhaps the reason for all this is even more prosaic - it is carrying out technical work on the side of the provider.

It is also necessary to understand that the recommendations given are general and may not help in some cases with some individual features. For example, situations were repeatedly recorded when a user did not change the standard authorization data for entering the router’s web interface, and by mistake created an open wireless access point. This was used by the "playful neighbor", wanting to mock the "friend", just turned on/off the "Internet" to him at will. Everything is possible in this matter, and even unthinkable reasons should not be ruled out.

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