How to Password Protect a Folder | 4 Best Ways Set Different Protection Level

Date of publication of the material 14.10.2019 Article views 215 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

Everyone has certain personal secrets or just some kind of information that is not intended for the eyes of other people.

This applies to absolutely everyone, including computer users. The safety of information stored on the computer’s hard drive is not only the task of the anti-virus software of the operating system, but also the primary duty of each user.

The main element of protection and ensuring confidentiality is setting a password for logging in to your account, a password for performing certain actions, as well as passwords for opening certain directories and viewing files.

And exactly how to install password protection on a folder on a computer with a Windows operating system will be discussed in this article.

How to Password Protect a Folder

It should be noted that there are a huge number of options that allow you to implement your plan, including using third-party software or regular Windows tools.

Variations in their applications range from the desired degree of protection, accessibility to the computer, the availability of administrative authority, as well as the availability of rights to perform such actions if you do not own the computer.

As part of the topic under discussion, we should dwell on four methods that can be implemented by any users.

Solution 1 - protection level “Low”

The first method, which is also the easiest to execute, does not require the use of additional third-party software.

To implement it, you only need to do the following:

  • Create the folder you need, where the information (files) you need will be stored, or select an existing directory;
  • In this folder, create a text file and copy this script into it; 

    Script code to password protect a Folder

    title FolderUnderPassword
    if EXIST "Locker" goto UNLOCK
    if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
    echo Activate the lock?(Y/N)
    set/p "cho=>"
    if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
    if %cho%==y goto LOCK
    if %cho%==n goto END
    if %cho%==N goto END
    echo Incorrect choice.
    goto CONFIRM
    ren Private "Locker"
    attrib +h +s "Locker"
    echo Folder successfully locked
    goto End
    echo Enter the password to access the folder
    set/p "pass=>"
    if NOT %pass%== 123456789 goto FAIL
    attrib -h -s "Locker"
    ren "Locker" Private
    echo Access confirmed
    goto End
    echo Invalid password
    goto end
    md Private
    echo Successful creation of a secret folder

    In the line “if NOT% pass% == 123456789 goto FAIL”, instead of “123456789”, enter the desired password.

  • Next, click on the tab “File” - “Save File”, and install the extension “.bat” for the created file;

    Save file with .bat extension

  • After these steps, run the created file and wait for the “Private” folder to appear in the same directory;

    Run the created file and wait for (Private) folder

  • In the “Private” folder, place all the files you need, the safety of which is a priority for you;
  • Next, run the bat file again;
  • Press the key "Y" + "Enter" in response to the question "Activate the lock?";

    Confirm locak Folder

  • After confirming and closing the command line console, you will see that the created Private folder is not in this directory. Miracle!

    In fact, the folder with all the contents just became hidden and in order to make it visible again, you will need:

    • Run the bat file again;

      Run your Bat file again

    • The command line console opens with the indication "Enter the password to access the folder";
    • Enter your password and press "Enter";

      Enter your Password to show hidden folder

    • If the password is entered correctly, then the “Private” folder will become available again.

      If the password is entered correctly, then Private folder will become available again.

    If the password is entered incorrectly, the phrase “Invalid password” will flash quickly and the command line console will close, but the “Private” folder will not appear.

    This method has a huge number of minuses, the most obvious of which is finding the folder and the file itself (the script where the password/key is specified) in the public domain, and the folder itself is not blocked, only the ability to make it visible is blocked.

    Therefore, this method does not solve the protection problem, but is interesting enough for novice users.

Solution 2 - degree of protection "Medium"

The second method, which is the most common, is to place the "secret folder" in the archive.

Currently, almost all users have WinRar or 7-zip installed on their computer.

Setting a password takes literally a minute, for this:

  • Right-click on the “secret folder” and select the archiving tool, for example, “WinRar”, and click “Add to Archive”;

    Right-click on secret folder and select the archiving tool - add to Archive

  • You will see a window with the settings for the archive being created, in which find the "Set Password" button;

    Click on Set Password button to set password to archive

  • Enter the key you need and click on the "OK" button;

    Enter key you need and click on the OK button;

Now, when you try to view files in a folder, a password will be requested.

Solution 3 - degree of protection "Optimal"

There is a huge amount of software that allows you to set a password, among which there are both good free options and extremely interesting representatives with a paid license.

One of the most popular free utilities is Anvide Seal Folder, which has long been known to many users. You can download it on the official website anvidelabs.org

The utility has a multilingual interface and using its functionality is quite simple, for this:

  • Run the utility and select the optimal interface language;

    Select the Language for continue

  • Next, agree to the terms of the license agreement by clicking on the “Accept” button;

    Next, agree to the terms of the license agreement by clicking on Accept button;

  • In the main window of the program, click on the “+” button or the “Ins” key to add a folder that needs to be protected from third-party interference;

    In the main window of the program, click on the (+) to add Folder

  • After adding a directory, right-click on it and click on “Close Access”;

    After adding a directory, right-click on it and click on - Close Access

  • A window will appear in which you must enter twice, the password/security key that you invented;

    Enter your folder password twice

  • If you click on the icon "exclamation mark in the yellow triangle", you can set a hint for the password, in case you need to remember the password.

    You can set a hint for the password

  • Please note that by default, the program only hides the selected folder (something similar was in Solution 1), but in the settings you can enable the additional “Encryption of the name of files and folders” and “Encryption of the contents of the file”.

    You can: Encryption of the name of files and folders

Solution 4 - degree of Protection "High"

Among the paid software, the capabilities of which allow you to set a password not only on folders located on your computer’s hard disk, but also on directories stored on external media, the most functional and adequate option is Hide Folders (Hide Folder Ext - for working with external carriers).

Download the program and evaluate its work in a 30-day trial period from the official website of developers - http://fspro.net/hide-folders/

This option offers incomparably greater functionality than described above, so you should approach the blocking procedure with caution.

And in order to password protect the folder you need, you need to do the following:

  • Run the utility using the “Hide Folders” shortcut to work with the directories of a regular hard drive;
  • Go to the “List” tab and click on the “Add” button;

    You can: Encryption of the name of files and folders

  • Select the folder you need and check the box in your preferred protection method, for example, the “Hide and Block” combination;

    Select the folder you need and check the box in your preferred protection method

  • Next, click on the “Password” button and set the access key to the program functionality;

    Setting the access key to the program functionality

  • It remains only to select the selected folder with a mouse click and click on the “Enable” button.

    The final step is to enable limited access to the folder.

From now on, standard access to the folder through Explorer or the file manager will not be available to everyone, including you.

With the protection turned on, you can work with the folder only through the HideFolders program functionality, for example, to open it, just enter the password (previously thought up), and right-click on the “Open” button.

Important! There is one significant limitation in the demo version - this admin password can only be “demo”! Therefore, without a direct purchase of a license, it will be impossible to fully use the functionality of the program.

To lock a folder on removable media, run the “Hide Folder Ext” shortcut:

  • Find the desired media, guided by the assigned letter and click "Next";

    Hide Folder Ext - lock a folder on removable media

  • Choose one of two options:

    Hide Folder Ext - select options to encrypt the desired folder

    • Create My Hidden Folder and leave it visible;
    • Create My Hidden Folder and hie it immediately.
  • Click on the “Finish” button.

After that, the program will create a folder called “MyHiddenFolder” into which you can place all sensitive data, and access to this folder can only be obtained through the program’s functionality, similar to the above, that is, you will need to enter a password.

In general, a rather interesting program, but requiring a certain amount of cash.


So, above we considered four different options for blocking access to a specific directory stored on a computer or on external media.

It is up to you to decide which one to choose, since it distinguishes not only the degree of protection offered, but also various functionalities that in some cases are simply not needed, or vice versa, can play a key role.

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