Your PC Ran Into a Problem and Needs to Restart - How to Fix

Date of publication of the material 17.10.2019 Article views 158 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

The appearance of the “blue screen of death” scared and continues to scare users using computers based on the Windows operating system. "BSOD" is so "scary" for one simple reason - this is the lack of guaranteed options for its solutions, since it is far from always returning the working capacity of the file (device) of the culprit returns the correct operation of the operating system and the computer as a whole. Quite often, users cannot even reliably determine the cause of the error, since the operating system, when displaying the error, simply refuses to point to it, which extremely seriously complicates the process of solving it. And in the framework of this article, we will focus on just such a kind of “blue screen” that appears with the message “SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION” and “Your PC Ran Into a Problem and Needs to Restart”. What could be the mistake? And also, what are the methods for returning the quality of the operating system? All about this and will be discussed later.


The error in question can occur even on computers that before that did not show any signs of possible problems or the presence of faulty components.

Based on existing practice, it is known that in the vast majority of cases the main reason is an error in the operation of a software driver, but as already mentioned, the notification of the operating system is uninformative and there is no direct indication of the reason in the message itself.

Therefore, to determine the cause-effect relationship (and this is the most important thing in solving any error), a more detailed study of the report (dump), which was automatically saved on the system hard drive, will be required.

The operating system report can be found in the “Minidump” folder, which is located in the system partition of the hard drive in the “Windows” folder - C:\Windows\Minidump.

If you do not have this folder, then this indicates that the function of creating a memory dump is disabled on your computer. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is enable the saving of reports/logs, for this:

  • Open "This PC";
  • Right-click on an empty area of the window and select "Properties";
  • Next, open the section "Advanced system settings";

    Open System Settings and select - Advanced system settings

  • Go to the "Advanced" tab and pay attention to the "Startup and Recovery" block;
  • Click on the “Settings” button;

    IN System Poperties go to Advanced tab and click Settings in Startup and Recovery block

  • In the window that opens, in the "Write debugging information" section, select "Automatic memory dump" and, if necessary, check the box "Overwrite any existing file" so that the logs do not accumulate in the folder, which is insignificant, but would take up some of the free space on disk partition.

    In Startup and Recovery

After carrying out the described actions, when the error “Your PC Ran Into a Problem and Needs to Restart” occurs again, the next time you log in to the system, you can see a detailed Windows report on the culprit of the problems.

How to Read Dump File

There are many specialized software options that can help decrypt the dump file that was saved after the error occurred, but among the majority of these, a small utility called “Blue Screen View” differs most favorably.

You can download it absolutely free from the official site - http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/blue_screen_view.html, in addition, it does not require installation and the interface crack is available for download separately.

To get detailed information about BSOD, you need to run the utility and do the following:

  • The utility will automatically display a list of all saved files in the “Minidump” folder, find the one you need based on the time it was created (indicated in the name);
  • Files that cause a computer malfunction will be highlighted in pink;
  • It remains only to remember him / them and conduct a search for information on the causes of its failure and options for eliminating its incorrect operation.

    BlueScreenView - software for read crash dump file

For example, as part of the demonstration in the screenshot, an error (not the one discussed in this article) was caused by the CLASSPNP.SYS driver.

As for the "SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION" error, the following drivers are the most common:

  • “Ks.sys” - manifests itself when manipulating software using audio and video output, for example, when launching the Skype application. In practice, it was recorded that the greatest activity is demonstrated by updating software or drivers, and it works properly on "default versions".
    The solution is to try rolling back the driver version;
  • "Netio.sys" - errors in the network equipment drivers (network card and/or wi-fi adapter).
    Solution is to download and install drivers from the device manufacturer from their official resources;
  • “Dxgkrnl.sys/nvlddmkm.sys/atikmdag.sys” - have a similar cause and effect relationship, characterized by problems in the video adapter drivers.
    Solution too is to delete the old version and install the current one downloaded from the manufacturer’s official website.

The vast majority of errors with drivers have a similar solution - removing/rolling back the problem version and installing a new one.

If the Problem Remains Unresolved

There is a likelihood that the solution described above will not fully return the operability of the operating system, since a causal relationship may be somewhat more complicated than it might seem at first glance, because the root causes of an error in a single software driver are unknown.

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a standard set of measures to return the regular work of Windows:

  1. Compare the time of occurrence of the error in question with the manipulations you are doing - installing programs/applications/games, making changes to registry entries, deleting files from system directories, using software to optimize Windows, etc.
    If you were able to identify the potential culprit (cause), try to remove it and roll back the Windows configuration to the point that preceded its installation.
  2. Check the operating system for integrity using the command line functionality and the sfc/scannow utility for this:
    • Press "WIN+S" and enter "cmd.exe";
    • Right-click on the option found and select "Run as administrator";

      Run as administrator the Command Prompt

    • At the command prompt, type and run the command "sfc/scannow";

      Run sfc/scannow command for check your Hard drive

    • Wait for the scan results and follow the recommendations of the utility.
  3. Visit Windows Update and check for available updates to install. Learn more about how to enable updates in windows 10.

    In Settings check available Windows Updates and install them

    No matter how you relate to this functionality, installing important updates will be the right decision.

  4. Additionally, check for correct operation — the hard disk of the command “CHKDSK” or any other specialized utility, and RAM, a tool built into the operating system. To open it, do the following:
    • Open "Control Panel" - "System and Security" - "Administrative Tools";

      In System and Security open Administrative Tools

    • Scroll down to “Windows Memory Diagnostic”;

      In Administrative Tools select: Windows Memory Diagnostic

    • Choose one of two options for initiating a scan and wait for the results.

      Choose one of two options for initiating a scan and wait for the results.

Further actions will depend on the information provided about the quality of RAM.


And the last one. As previously mentioned, the error "SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION" (and the like) does not imply the existence of recommendations that would help to help fix it.

They must be approached comprehensively in order to eliminate not only the culprit, but also the original reason for its incorrect operation.

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