Windows 10 Startup Folder Locations: Expplorer | Registry Editor | Quick Access to Startup

Date of publication of the material 22.10.2019 Article views 459 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

Such functionality of the operating system as "Automatic loading (inclusion) of certain processes with the start of Windows", of course, has many positive aspects.

For example, it is the automation of the process of running programs that are used by the user in the work constantly; this can include various cloud services, synchronization programs, antivirus, office packages, messengers and more.

But, as in any other process, "startup" has a "dark side", which is often used by various malicious software.

Placing the "infected utility" in the automatic start allows you to expand the affected area, and most importantly, the presence of this item in the "Startup" is hidden from most users, since few of the operators of the Windows operating system pay attention to what runs with Windows.

Therefore, this article may be useful, because it will address the issue of finding the folder "Startup" within the Windows 10 operating system.

How to Find a Startup Folder in "Explorer"

So, the system directory in question can be found at the following path "C:\Users\USERNAME\ AppData\Roaming\ Microsoft\ Windows\ StartMenu\ Programs\ Startup", where your account name should be used instead of "USERNAME". 

How to Find a Startup Folder in Explorer

If you open the folder systematically, please note that "AppData" is hidden by default, and in order to access it you need to enter the address immediately in the address bar or open the display of hidden files and folders.

More information about finding hidden elements can be found in this article.

An alternative way to use the capabilities of "Explorer" is to execute the command "shell:startup", just press "WIN+R" and enter the command in the window that opens, completing the execution with the "OK" button or the "Enter" key. 

Open Windows Startuo with shell:startup command

How to Find Startup Folder in "Registry Editor"

To open the registry editor, run the command "regedit" and then do the following. 

Open Registry Editor with (Regedit) command

  • *Open " HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion»;
  • Find the "Run" folder and open it. 

How to Find Startup Folder in Registry Editor

This is the folder "startup" and here you can create parameters to make the software in the list of automatically launched.


The last thing worth noting is the control over what Windows starts automatically, since given the above, it has not always sanctioned software.

Details on how to exclude programs from the "startup" was discussed in this article.

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