Windows 10 Remote Desktop | How to Setup | How to Connect from PC and Smartphone

Date of publication of the material 21.10.2019 Article views 475 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

For sure, it will not be a secret that the average user of the Windows operating system uses only a small part of the functionality of the development of Microsoft.

With each new version, developers have expanded the capabilities of their product, making it not only more stable, faster, more understandable, but also more versatile.

Currently, when always at hand a smartphone or tablet, as well as a laptop or desktop computer, "cross-platform" Windows allows you to use all available devices in conjunction, for example, starting work on one and continuing on the other.

In addition, the capabilities of Windows since the XP version allowed remote access to the desktop of the computer, which was not popular before, and is not used now.

But such functionality of remote control of the computer has a lot of variations of application, and not only for any organizations (offices) where control and technical support of computers of employees is carried out.

The ability to control the computer, for example, from your smartphone – it is quite easy to solve the problem, which with the release of Windows 10 has attracted even more attention.

And it is about this functionality of the operating system and will be discussed in this article.

What is this Technology and What is Required for its Operation

Immediately it is worth noting that the following material does not contain complex technical definitions and explanations of the nuances of a particular Protocol, so that the information was as easy to learn and its application in practice for users with different computer skills.

So, getting remote access to the computer is based on the RDP Protocol, aka "Remote Desktop Protocol".

For its work, this Protocol uses the TCP port 3389 and the connection itself is carried out through an Internet connection, which requires knowledge of certain information about network settings, all computers that will work with the Protocol "RDP".

Client operating system version (XP/7/8/10 and Linus, MacOS X), which will be discussed later, supports only one RDP mode is Remote administration mode, the circuit connection is very simple and as follows. 

Windows 10 Remote Desktop how its work

What is Required to Connect

As previously announced, to connect to a remote desktop, you need to know some of the network parameters of your computer – its IP address and / or network name (with active network discovery).

For the most part, the home connection is performed by assigning a dynamic IP address, which will complicate the RDP connection, as the values will constantly change.

Therefore, if you plan to use this functionality more than once, you should assign a statistical IP for the computer within the local network, since here (and in the sentence above) it is not about the type of connection provided by the provider.

Among the available options for this task, it is worth highlighting the two most common ways:

Using Operating System Settings

  • Open "Network and Sharing Center" - "Change adapter settings"; 

Open Network and Sharing Center - click - Open: Network and Sharing Center

  • Right - click on the active adapter and open "Properties"; 

    Open active adapter Properties

  • Among the marked components, find "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click "Properties"; 

    Select: Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click - Properties

  • Without closing the window that opens, go back to the "Network and Sharing Center" and click on the name of your connection; 

    How to setup Remote Desktop on Computer

  • Click on the "Details" button; 

In Ethernet Adapter status click - Details

  • The "network connection Details" window will open where you should be interested in the following lines: 
    • "IPv4 Address";
    • "IPv4 Default Gateway";
    • "IPv4 DNS server".

Network connection Details: IPv4 Adress

  • Enter the resulting values in the appropriate lines in the IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties window. 

    Enter the resulting values in the appropriate lines in the IP version 4

  • Save the changes by clicking on the "OK" button.

Using Settings of Router

  • Enter the address to open the web interface of the router, usually ( and and enter the login and password to confirm the legitimacy of accessing the settings;
  • Depending on the manufacturer and model of your device, find the section responsible for configuring the "DHCP server";
  • Find the "DHCP Binding" line or create a new rule, enter its name and specify the mac address of the computer's network card and the required ip address according to the available range. 

Using Settings of Router for setup Remote Desktop

  • You can also find the Mac address in the "Network and Sharing Center" in "Details" section of the "Physical Address" line. 

You can also find the Mac address in Network and Sharing Center

  • As you can see there is nothing complicated in this.

How to Enable Remote Access

Once the necessary data has been received and all the settings have been completed, you must allow the remote desktop to be enabled for later connection.

To do this, just open the "options" and do the following (for Windows 10 version 1709 and above):

  • Open the "System" section; 

How to Enable Remote Access to Computer

  • Scroll down and open "Remote desktop»;
  • Set the mode to "ON";

In Remote Desktop sections set mode:ON (Enable Remote Desktop)

  • Confirm your wish by clicking on the button of the same name. 

Confirm that you want enable: Remote Desktop Connections

In previous versions, you had to open system PC Properties and go to the Remote access tab, where you had to mark the lines "Allow remote assistant connections to this computer" and "Allow remote connections to this computer". 

In previous Windows versions open PC Properties and open Remote tab and select this options

It is worth noting that these are only the basic settings, as you can implement many additional parameters, for example, to create a separate user, which will be used to obtain remote access and much more, especially in Windows 10.

How to Connect to a Remote Desktop

To connect from a computer, no additional tools or software are required, as all that is required is to do the following:

  • Click on "WIN+R" and execute "mstsc"; 

In previous Windows versions open PC Properties and open Remote tab and select this options

  • In the window that opens, click "Show options";
  • Enter "Computer " - this is the IP, obtained as a result of the actions described above, to which you connect, and also enter "User Name"; 

Inpute computer adress, username and password and click - Connect button

  • Click "Connect";
  • Enter your account password and click "OK"; 

Enter your account password and click - OK

  • Wait for the connection and use the remote connection to the desktop of the computer for the desired, but legitimate, purpose.

It should be added that you need to connect using the RDP multiple monitors Protocol on the computer that is used by the Manager, then you need to open the "Display" tab and check the "Use all my monitors for the remote session" line in the "Remote Desktop Connection" utility. 

In Display settings select: Use all my monitors for the remote session

How Transfer Files over RDP

The need for fast data transfer between remotely connected computers occurs quite often.

To implement this task it is enough to do the following:

  • Prepare a disk partition that stores the necessary files to be transferred to the managed computer;
  • In the "Remote Desktop Connection" utility, open the "Local Resources" tab;
  • In the "Local devices and resource" section, click on the "More" button; 

How to Transfer Files over RDP connection

  • Expand the "Drivers" tab and select the desired partition of the disk where the file is prepared for transfer. 

Expand drivers section and select drives to connect over rdp

You should also pay attention to the items "Printers" - needed to access the printer connected to the managed computer, and the section" Remote audio "- to configure the sound transmission "from"or" to" the managed computer. Including it is necessary to use the microphone when connecting remotely using the RDP Protocol.

You can connect Local resources like Audio and Printers

Settings audio and remote audio recording for RDP connection

How to Connect from a Smartphone

As previously announced, you can now connect to the remote desktop using your smartphone.

To implement this task, you need to install the application "Microsoft Remote Desktop" for smartphones based on Android OS and the application "Remote desktop (Microsoft)" for Apple devices.

To demonstrate the connection, let us look at the Android app in more detail:

  • Open "Google Play" and install the above app;
  • Run "Rd Client" and click on "Accept" after reading the rules of use of the software and the technology itself; 

How use RDP from Smartphone

  • Click on the "+" button (upper right corner) and select "Desktop"; 

Click on the (Plus) button to add address new RDP connect

  • You will see a list of computers that have active network discovery; 

You will see a list of computers that have active network discovery

  • Select the desired computer and in the next step, click on the "Connect" button; 

Enter PC Name and user name and click (connect) button

  • If necessary, check the box "Never ask again for connections to this PC", and read the certification information, and click again "Connect"; 

You can check: Never ask again for connections to this PC

  • Wait for the connection, enter the password of the account and enjoy working with the computer from the screen of your smartphone. 

After connection enter password of the account

It is worth noting that such remote access allows you to work quite comfortably with non-resource-intensive tasks, but if you plan to work with complex graphics editors, you may (under certain circumstances) experience sagging.

What need the Quick Assist App for in Windows 10

Separately, it should be noted that, since version 1607 in the operating system appeared the application "Quick help", which has a similar functionality, but a simpler structure and order of use.

!Important-you will need a Microsoft account to work!

This option is perfect for those who need once to provide access to demonstrate something, without the implementation of a long stage of preparation.

All you need to do is as follows:

  • On the computer from which the connection is made, click "WIN+S" and enter "Quick Assist"; 

Windows 10 - Quick Assist to connect to Remote Desktop

  • Select "Give assistance" and click "Assist another person";

Select Give assistance and click Assist another person

  • Enter the address of the account and password; 

Enter the address of the account and passwordEnter password from you account to Microsoft

  • A window will open, where the security code (with a limited validity of 10 minutes), which must be entered on the target computer by running a similar application and in the "Get Assistance" section, finally click "Share screen"; 

Quick Assist - Share security code Input Code from Assistant and click (Share screen) button

  • Choose one of two options "Take full control" or "View screen"; 

Choose one of two options: Take full control or View screen

  • On the target computer, click on the "Allow" button to grant the requested access; 

On the target computer, click on Allow button to grant the requested access 

  • Wait for the remote desktop to load in a separate window and manage the computer according to the tasks.

Exmaple work in RDP Window

Everything is as simple and fast as possible!


As a conclusion, we should touch upon two common problems with remote RDP connection, namely:

The problem is related to the notification that you need to enter the password of the account to which you are connecting, even if the password is actually missing.

The best solution to this situation is to set a password for the account. Yes, it is not always convenient especially for home use, but for some tasks, it is the best option.

As an alternative, you can try:

  • Click on "WIN+R" and execute "secpol.msc"; 

Open Local Security Policy with: secpol.msc command

  • Open "Local Security Policy" - "Security Settings" and expand "Accounts: limit local accounts use of bank passwords to connect"; 

In Local Security Policy window select: Security Settings and expand: Accounts: limit local accounts use of bank passwords to connect

  • Disable this policy by selecting the appropriate mode. 

Accounts: limit local accounts use of bank passwords to connect: disable this policy

Restart your computer and try connecting again.

Error message "An authentication error Occurred. Unable to communicate with local security":

  • Open the local group policy editor by running the "gpedit.msc"; 

    To open Local Group Policy Editor run gpedit.msc

  • Step by step, open computer "Configuration"-"Administrative templates"-"Windows Components"-"Remote Desktop Services" - " Remote Desktop Sessions" - "Security" ;

    In Local Group Policy window need find: Require user authentication for remote connecting

  • Find "Require user authentication for remote connecting" and set it to "Disable". 

In In Local Group Policy window need find: Require user authentication for remote connecting and set: Disabled

Restart your computer to apply the changes.

And the last. Remote desktop is a very useful functionality that can and should get mass application among users.

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