This APP has been Blocked for Your Protection | 3 Ways How to Run App

Date of publication of the material 09.10.2019 Article views 392 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

Microsoft has always paid particular attention to the security of its main product - the Windows operating system. Currently, all of their strength is thrown at - on Windows 10, which was marked by a grand PR campaign, an "aggressive" promotion system and various scandals associated with such aggression.

One way or another, but Windows 10, despite the abundance of controversial points, demonstrates outstanding performance, which is simply pointless to deny.

Such indicators of stability are achieved, inter alia, due to a versatile security system, in the functioning of which various errors, bugs and unexpected locks can be observed.

And one of such errors related to protection tools will be discussed in this article.

Why is this Happening

So, the essence of the error in question is that when starting any software, the user may encounter a message with the following contents:

This APP has been Blocked for Your Protection. 

After receiving this message, any attempts to run the program you need will not lead to the desired result, since such attempts will only repeatedly cause an error, even if your account has certain extended rights. It is not difficult to guess what the cause of the problem is, in fact, all that is required to understand the problems is indicated in the message of the mentioned error.

The security system, when launching an application, checks its digital signature, which is available in each software, for compliance with accepted standards. And if for some reason this signature cannot be identified and approved, then the application is blocked to prevent possible further infection of the computer.

Everything is very clear, the operating system takes care of its own security, as well as the security of all information available on the computer.

But far from always, the “Defender” correctly holds the lock, taking absolutely safe software, sometimes purchased directly from Microsoft, as a “pest”. To some extent, quite eloquent and funny paradox/bug.

That is why the solution to this error is extremely relevant for most users.


It will not be superfluous to note that despite the possible malfunctions in the operation of the operating system defender, for the most part, all warnings he displays are subject to certain conditions and block really potentially dangerous software.

Therefore, it is necessary to warn that all actions to launch the program should be carried out only if you reliably know that the software will not harm the operating system. That is, all responsibility rests with each individually.

So, important common points are discussed. Now directly to solving the error:

  1. Usage Command Prompt

    The first option involves the least damage to the further security of the operating system, which makes it the most preferred way to solve the error in question. It is implemented as follows:

    • Press the key combination “WIN + S” and enter “cmd.exe” in the search box;
    • Right-click on the option found and click "Run as administrator";

      Run  Command Prompt as Administrator

    • Before you open a command line console, in which you need to specify the path to the executable file, blocked by the defender of the operating system. For example, if the problem executable file is located in the “Downloads” folder on drive “C”, the command will look like “C:\Users\Home\ Downloads\setup.exe”.

      Input in cmd path to blocked file and press enter

      Please note that the command line must be open before the file is completed, for example, before the software installation is completed.

  2. Usage Local Group Policy Editor Settings

    This method involves some interference in the operation of systems that ensure the security of your computer. That is why it is worth noting that, implementing all of the following, you take full responsibility for the possible negative consequences. If you are not sure about the safety of the launched software, then you should think about whether it is necessary to run it.

    For the rest, the procedure is as follows:

    • Press the key combination “WIN + R” and enter the command “gpedit.msc”;

      Run app with Local Group Policy Editor Settings

      At this step, it will not be out of place to note that if you have installed the version of Windows 10 Home, then after executing this command you will be presented with an error indicating that this functionality could not be found. This is due to the fact that by default the “Group Local Policy Editor” in the “Home” version is simply missing but it can be fixed.

      Windows 10 - Home error: Windows cannot find (gpedit.msc). Make sure you typed tha name correctly, and then try again

      To do this, create any text document and place the given script in it in the form in which it is indicated -

      @echo off dir /b C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientExtensions-Package~3*.mum >find-gpedit.txt dir /b C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientTools-Package~3*.mum >>find-gpedit.txt echoUstanovkagpedit.msc for /f %%i in ("findstr /i . find-gpedit.txt 2^>nul") do dism /online/norestart/add-package:"C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\%%i" echoGpeditustanovlen.

      Save the created text document with the extension “.bat” and the main name in English (for example, gpedit.bat). Right-click on it and click on “Run as administrator”.

      After completing these steps, a command line console will appear in which you do not need to do anything, just wait for the script to complete the installation of the desired editor.

      Command to add Local Group Policy to Windows 10

      When installation is complete, just close the command line console and delete the file if necessary.

    • After executing the “gpedit.msc” command, an editor window will open in which locate the “Security Settings” folder. It is located in the directory "Windows Configuration" - "Security Settings" - "Local Policies";
    • Sort the list alphabetically (to facilitate the search) and find “User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval mode”;

      Open User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval mode

    • Double-click on the found parameter to open its properties;
    • In the window that opens, check the box in the "Disable" line, click "Apply" - "OK".

After completing this sequence of actions, the blocked program will start, which is the main task of this topic. But, there is a huge "BUT". “User Account Control”, aka “UAC”, is very much needed for the work of most proven software that require Internet access. Accordingly, if you disable “UAC”, you will gain access to the blocked program, but lose access to the rest of the software.

Therefore, after the desired result is achieved, return the UAC to working. Yes, this will exclude all attempts to launch an “untrusted application”, so the above method is a solution only if you need to run a single taken executable file once.

Alternative Variants

The above methods, for some, may seem extremely uncomfortable and to some extent excessively complex. Therefore, as alternative solutions, you can try to apply several more variations of launching a “executable file suspicious for the operating system”:

All that is required of you is to “drag” the executable file you need onto the downloaded file “FileUnsigner.exe” and if the message “SuccessfullyUnsigned” appears in response, it means that the digital signature has been successfully deleted. In theory, problems should not arise with the further launch.

  1. Activating the built-in administrator account:
    • Open a command line console with administrator privileges (Run as Administator;
    • Enter and run the command "net user administrator /active:yes"; Activate built-in Administator via Command Prompt
    • Log out of your account and log in to the public administrator account. Do not confuse this with an account with administrator rights, as there is a significant difference between them.
    • Run the problem executable.

    As you can see, this method also does not differ in its convenience, since constantly switching between accounts is not very convenient.

  2. Use third-party software to remove a digital signature. To do this, use the FileUnsigner program, which can be purchased at the following link https://www.fluxbytes.com/software-releases/fileunsigner-v1-0/


In conclusion, it will not be superfluous to repeat vigilance when trying to run an executable file that aroused suspicion in the operating system security system. In most cases, if the executable file is blocked, then there are well-founded reasons for this.

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