How to Share a Printer in a Network | Printer and PC Setup | 911-win

Date of publication of the material 16.10.2019 Article views 259 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

Despite the fact that this question is most relevant for those who actively use the printing capabilities of the printer on several computers, users who do not have this need, the information presented in this article will also be useful, as it reveals several important working points of the local network, including home, using several different types of devices.

We’ll tell you exactly what settings should be made in order to “share” the printer on several computers without using the capabilities of a wireless network.

What is required for this? What problems can users face, and most importantly, how to solve them? The answers to these and other questions should be discussed in more detail.

What Need to Connect?

To accomplish the task, a little is required - this:

  • A printer that can work in a network structure;
  • Configured and working local network with 2 or more computers;
  • An appropriate cable that connects one computer to the printer.

This is the standard scheme.

In fact, if you are an active user of the local network, then all the necessary settings with shared access have already been made by you.

But, of course, checking this will not hurt on all computers that will use the “shared printer”:

It should be noted that all the manipulations described below are performed on two computers with 64-bit Windows OS and a CanonMF3010 printer. There may be slight differences in the name of the settings sections depending on the OS version and the printing device used.

  • Right-click on the “Start” button and open the “Network Connections” section;

    How to Share a Printer in a Network - Check Network Connections

  • In the window that opens, click on the line "Network and Sharing Center";

    In settings window click in Network and Sharing Center

    Or open this section in another convenient way, for example, through the "Control Panel".

  • Next, click on the line “Change advanced sharing options”;

    In settings window click in Network and Sharing Center

  • And in each of the sections, check the following parameters:
    • Section "Private (Current Profile) checkboxes in the lines" Turn on Network Discovery" and "Enable File and Printer Sharing";

      Check turn on network discovery and file and printer sharing

    • Section "Guest or Public" ticks in the same lines;

      In Guest or Public network - select (Network Discovery) Turn on network discovery and in File and Printer Sharing - turn on file and printer sharing

    • The “Offline” section of the checkmark in the lines:

      For all networks select permissions like on screenshot

      • “Enable sharing so that network users can read and write files in shared folders”;
      • “Use 128-bit encryption to protect the shared connection (recommended)”;
      • “Disable sharing with password protection."

      If necessary, these settings can be changed depending on the needs and authorities.

    • Save the changes and close the Network and Sharing Center.

Printer Setup

After the general moments of the functioning of the local network are confirmed, you can go directly to the settings of the printing device itself.

First, on the computer to which the printer is physically connected:

  • Open the “Control Panel” and go to the “Devices and Printers” section;
  • Right-click on the target device and open "Printer Properties";

    Right-click on the target device and open Printer Properties

  • Go to the “Sharing” tab and check the boxes “Share this printer” and “Render print jobs on client computers (recommended)”, and also set the name of the printer that users of the second PC will see (Share name);

    Allow share this printer and check: Render printer jobs on client computers

  • Go to the "Security" tab, in the "Groups or user names" section, select "Everyone" and tick off the necessary permissions for the operator of the second PC in the "Permissions for Everyone" section. In the framework of the issue under consideration, this is a seal;

    Select allow print access for everyone

  • Click “OK” to save the settings.

Now you can go to the receiving side.

Setting up Printer on Second Computer

If the local network is working properly and there are no problems with the visibility of the "shared" folders and devices, then:

  • Open "This PC" and go to the "Network" section;
  • You will see a list of “shared” devices, among which, find (by name) the first computer to which the printer is physically connected and open it;
  • Among the presented directory, find the printer itself, which will be marked with the corresponding icon;
  • Right-click on it and select “Connect”;

    Click right mouse button on printer and select: Connect

  • If the connection process went as usual, open “Devices and Printers”, find the added equipment, right-click on it and click “Use Default” (if necessary).

    Set as default network printer

That's all. The printer is "shared" and connected to two computers. If desired, print a test page.

It will also be good to visit the official website of the device manufacturer and download the latest driver version. This will not hurt, even if the printer is working properly and the "default" -basic drivers.

Possible Errors

Unfortunately, in these simple steps, various errors are sometimes observed which, in an undesired way, complete the addition of the printer.

For example, this is an error that indicates that the operating system cannot connect to the printer, referring to the inaccessibility of Print Spooler.

Connect to Printer error hpw to Fix

One of the most effective fix options is to restart Print Spooler service, for this:

  • Press the key combination “WIN + R” and execute the command “services.msc”;

    Open Windows Services with command: services.msc

  • The "Services" window will open;
  • Sort the list alphabetically and find "Print Spooler";
  • Click on the “Restart” button.

    Find Print Spooler service and click restart

Alternatively, you can turn off the service, restart the computer, and return the old startup type to the Print Spooler. If the system continues to refuse to connect to the device:

  • Temporarily disable the firewall and antivirus software;
  • Check the sharing settings and LAN availability again;
  • Check the driver version and/or return its status to default.
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