How to Fix Windows System32 Errors: bitsperf.dll, blinks curcor in cmd, spoolsv.exe, logida.dll

Date of publication of the material 18.10.2019 Article views 684 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

The Windows operating system, the developers of which is the it-giant company Microsoft, with each new version acquires significant changes both in the structure of its work and in the visual design.

But a few key points that ensure uninterrupted and error-free operation (according to Microsoft) of the operating system, starting with the version of “Windows 2000”, remain unchanged. This primarily refers to the most important system directories and files, most of which are located in the “System 32” folder.

Such adherence to proven standards, on the one hand, is fully justified, and on the other hand causes some skepticism, as errors that occurred as early as 19 years ago continue to haunt users in the latest version of Windows 10.

And in the framework of this article, we will consider many of the most “popular” errors, which in one way or another, but are related to the structure and contents of the System 32 folder.

What is System32 for and what are its components

Before proceeding directly to the consideration of the announced errors and problems, you should take some time to clarify the main tasks that are assigned to the "system 32" and its contents.

So, this directory is located on the partition (usually it is assigned the letter “C”) of the physical medium on which the operating system was previously installed, and is located in the “Windows” folder, that is, it has a path of the following form “C:\Windows\System32”.

Path to directory System 32

It should be noted right away that it is strictly forbidden to delete this directory, despite the fact that there are still "jokers" in the Internet, who like to make fun of inexperienced users; moreover, this cannot be done simply by clicking on the "Delete" button.

If you pay attention to the contents, you can see a huge number of different subfolders and files, which are presented in two main extensions - ".dll" and ".exe", and more on that.

“DLL”, a more complete name: “DynamicLinkLibrary” is a “dynamic link library” or “dynamic link library” used by all types of software (hereinafter software) (system and third-party), and without which the current Windows operating system is impossible. In fact, this is a kind of “pillar” on which the entire working capacity of the software is implemented, and, therefore, most of the problems are somehow connected with the “.dll”.

“EXE” is an extension of executable files, that is, files that have software in their structure in the form that can be recognized and executed by the operating system. For example, everyone knows about the "Task Manager", which will always come to the rescue in a difficult situation, and so, when the user launches it in the usual way for him, the operating system opens the executable file "Taskmgr.exe" located in this very directory "System 32 ".

Run taskmgr.exe from System32 directory

Also, within the framework of this article, some attention will be paid to the “drivers” and “config” folders,

We also pay attention to especially important folders:drivers and config

which are directly related to the correct operation of the connected equipment and to the settings of all the most important elements in the Windows operating system.

Based on the above information, we can make a logical conclusion that everything in the catalog is interconnected and united by a single structure. And this once again confirms the fact that rash manipulations with system components will never lead to anything good.

System32 Related Errors and Methods for Solving

Returning to the main question, it is worth explaining another rather controversial point. If there are frequent visitors to IT forums among the readers of this article, they will agree that a huge number of user requests related to errors occur due to the absence of any actual harm and failure, but they are only recorded on the basis of entries from the “Event Log”, sometimes outdated.

Such a development of events suggests that there are indeed malfunctions in a component, but does not mean that this problem was not resolved by the operating system on its own.

Therefore, it will not be out of place to say that before performing any manipulations with system files, you need to understand the causes of its occurrence and confirm the fact of its real existence. And also take care, if possible, about the safety of information on the computer. At a minimum, create a recovery point.

So, now directly to the consideration of errors and methods for solving them.

Windows cannot start due to a damaged or missing file \Windows\System32\config\system

The first thing that you will need to try to do regardless of the version of the operating system is to restart the computer, and at the time of loading press the “F8” key (press rather than clamp) until the “Menu of additional Windows boot options” appears.

Advanced Boot Options select: Last know Good Configuration (advanced)

In the menu that opens, using the up / down keys, scroll through the available parameters to the line “Loading the last successful configuration (with workable parameters)” and press the “Enter” key.

The essence of these actions is as simple as possible - it is to provide the operating system with its own ability to replace problem files using the saved successful configuration of previous starts.

If this does not help, then we should proceed to more complex manipulations.

It is worth noting that there are several varieties of the error in question, namely:

  • \Windows\System32\config\software
  • \Windows\System32\config\sam
  • \Windows\System32\config\security
  • \Windows\System32\config\default

Despite the difference in the problematic files referenced by the error, they share the same reasons that some might find very simple:

  1. The quality of the hard drive / solid-state drive leaves much to be desired, and in principle the possibility of its further work is doubtful.
  2. It is not joke. The second reason is an incorrect shutdown of the computer. For example, until now, some users do not wait for the regular shutdown of the computer (which sometimes takes from 3 to 5 minutes), but disables it forcibly.

Therefore, taking into account the nuances described above, the conclusion about the applied correction method suggests itself - this is to somehow replace the damaged file with a working one.

And you can do this as follows:

  1. An option, if a bootable media with system recovery tools is available, for example, some kind of “LiveCD” (there are many options):
    • Boot from the media using BootMenu or prioritization in the BIOS;
    • In any accessible way, open the folder that corresponds to the accompanying text of the error in question - “c:\windows\system32\config\”;
    • Find the file referenced by the system, for example, “software” or “system” and add “.old” to its name;
    • Using the file manager or explorer, open the c:\windows\repair folder and copy the undamaged file from it to the c:\windows\system32\config\folder.
  2. If there is no bootable media, then you can use the command line console:
    • By analogy with the above, go to the "Menu for additional Windows boot options" and select "Safe mode with command line support";
    • After loading the desktop, open the "Command Prompt" with administrator rights (Run as Adminitrator);
    • To determine the system partition of the disk, you can use the command "wmic logicaldisk get description, name";
    • After defining the system partition, and, consequently, the letter assigned to it, sequentially execute 3 commands:
      • "Copy c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\windows\system32\config\system.bak" - creates a backup copy of files; 

        Using cmd execute commands for create a backup copy of files

      • "Del c:\windows\system32\config\system" - deletes the "damaged" file; Using cmd execute commands for deletes damaged files
      • "Copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\system" - restores the current and not damaged file.

        Using cmd execute commands for restore current and not damaged file

Restart your computer and check if it works.

Error in the Procedure for Opening "BITS" service from the library "C:\Windows (System32) bitsperf.dll"

When scanning the operating system with the “sfc / scannow” scanner, some users are faced with the fact that the utility issues a notification about the presence of the damaged bitsperf.dll file, and about the impossibility of automatically fixing it.

In this case, the user should use the “DISM” utility, ignoring many other methods found on the Internet.

To do this, run the command line with administrator rights and sequentially run two commands:

  1. "DISM.exe/Online/Cleanup-image/ScanHealth" - scans the storage of system components. Upon completion, you should wait until the completion of its work.

    Run ScanHealth - scan storage of system components

  2. "DISM.exe/Online/Cleanup-Image/RestoreHealth" - checks this repository and automatically fixes existing errors.

Upon completion of the “correctional work”, repeat the scan with the “sfc/scannow” utility.

Run sfc/scannow command to check errors in system

Command Line Console Blinks Constantly and Disappears

Especially often, users of the Windows 10 operating system are affected by this problem.

To determine the problem of the situation in question, it is necessary to determine what kind of situation it relates to, and there are two of them:

  1. The Command Prompt window appears at the time of loading the desktop. This view is not a problem, since this scenario is not uncommon, and only means that when the system started, before loading the desktop, all active services did not manage to load/turn on.
  2. The Command Prompt window flickers constantly. This already indicates that there are problems in the work of the services, which can also be caused by the activity of third-party virus support.

Taking this into account, each user who encounters a similar problem should ask himself one key question: “After what action did these problems appear”. For example, a third-party software package was installed or manually/independently disabled any services necessary for the regular operation of the operating system.

And the solutions provided are characterized by the restoration of the standard configuration, which was lost due to some user actions or as a result of viruses in the system, namely:

  1. View Planned Activities:
    • Press the key combination “WIN+R” and execute the command “taskschd.msc”;

      Run Task Sheduler  with taskschd.msc

    • In the "Task Scheduler" window that opens, select the "Task Scheduler Library" folder;
    • In the central part of the window, a list of system and non-system processes that start or perform any scheduled actions will be shown.
      Sort the list by the time of the previous launch and compare the received data with the time of manifestation of the situation in question. Also pay special attention to all suspicious lines and, if necessary, view information about their planned actions;
  2. Disable/Remove all unnecessary and suspicious items from "Task Scheduler".

    Task Scheduler - sort logs by Next Run time or Last Run Time

  3. Comprehensive system cleaning and full anti-virus scan:
    • Clean the registry using any utility available for this, for example, using CCleaner;
    • Install and open CCleaner and go to the "Registry" section;
    • Click on the “Search for Issues” button and after the scan is completed, select “Fix selected Issues”;

      CCleaner: search issues and automatically fix it

    • In the same program, open “Tools” section and open “Uninstall ” (delete anything that is in doubt there), then “Startup” and taking into account the same motives, disable suspicious applications;

      In startup disable all not needed apps

    • Open your antivirus software and conduct a full scan of the operating system for virus activity. The joint work of the AdwCleaner and MalwareBytes applications has worked very well;
    • Open Command Prompt with administrator privileges and run "sfc/scannow" command. How to Fix blick cursor in Command Prompt
    • After all the procedures completed, restart the computer.

Spoolsv.exe - Spool Manager Application Error

Each computer user who has a printer sooner or later, but is faced with problems in sending a document to print. Such difficulties can manifest themselves in different ways and with various errors, one of which will be considered below.

So, as many people probably know, “spooler” is a print manager that is responsible for the correct and timely sending of documents for printing, as well as for the formation of print order.

Based on this, the first three main causes of this error are directly related to the printer itself and its software, namely:

  1. A new printer has been installed. If the error manifests itself after installing and configuring a new printer, then the first thing to check is the correctness of the installed drivers and the compatibility of the installed software.
    In support of this, you can remove previously installed printers from the "Devices and Printers" section and reconnect and configure them again.
  2. The driver has been updated. This is especially common when specialized software for automatically updating driver software is used. You should download the latest current version of the driver for your version of the operating system from the official developer resource and install it manually.
  3. Third-party software was installed. Some programs/applications for their functioning conduct independent installation of virtual printers, and under certain circumstances, these actions may affect the performance of the print manager.

The last thing to try is to restart this Spooler service, and for this:

  • Press the key combination “WIN+R” and execute the command “services.msc”;

    Open Windows Services with (services.msc) command

  • In the opened Services window, sort the list alphabetically;
  • Find “Print Spooler” among all the services and click “Restart”;
  • Close the window and check the availability of the printing device.

    Restart service: Print Spooler

Other reasons and remedies are simple - it is checking for viruses, checking for critical updates to the operating system, and checking the integrity of system components. Their use will only benefit.

Error loading C:\Windows\System32\logilda.dll

This error occurs in users who use a keyboard or mouse from the well-known company Logitech.

The cause of the “logilda.dll” problems is related to the incompatibility of the software for some devices from “Logitech” and the operating system, namely the “Download Assistant Logitech”.

  • Open the "Task Manager" and go to the "Startup" tab;
    • For Windows 7, the startup section opens in "System Configuration" - WIN+R and the "msconfig" command;
  • Find “LogiDA” among the active items and disable its automatic launch;
  • Create a Recovery Point for insurance and open the “Registry Editor” (WIN+R and "regedit" command);
  • Next, open "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" and find the aforementioned "Logitech Download Assistant";
  • Open the context menu and select "Delete";
  • Reboot your PC.

These actions with 99% probability will correct the situation.

File C:\windows\system32\config \systemprofile\desktop is not Available

An error with the “desktop” folder was fixed when updating the Windows 10 operating system to build 1803.

At the same time, in the vast majority, the situation is solved as simple as possible:

  • Open the "Task Manager" and find the process "explorer.exe", it is also "Explorer";

    End Task Windows Explorer

  • Click on it with the right mouse button and select “End task”;
  • Next, click “File” - “Create a new task”;
  • In the window that opens, enter the command "explorer.exe".

    Create new task: explorer.exe in Task Manger

  • Thus, in essence, you restart the desktop, which should solve the current problem and remove the "boring" black background.

Thus, you restart the desktop, which should solve the current problem and remove the "boring" black background.


The last thing to touch on is a brief analysis of two errors that quite often upset computer game lovers:

  • "Error C:\Windows\system32\nvspcap64.dll. There is no entry point. " “nvspcap64.dll” library directly indicates that it belongs to the NVidia product. Therefore, to fix problems, it is required to update the driver software of the video card, including the GeForceExperience utility. We examined this error in more detail in the article: How to fix the c windows system32 nvspcap64.dll error
  • “This application failed to start because d3d11.dll was not dound. Re-install the application may fix this problem." This error is solved by a similar method. It is required to replace the damaged file "d3d11.dll" with the correct copy. This is easy enough to do. To do this, you need to download the DirectX installer from the official Microsoft website. The same applies to the "xlive.dll" file.

If this does not help, then download the file manually and also manually register it:

  • Place "d3d11.dll" in the directory "C:\Windows\ system32";
  • Press "WIN + R" and run the command "regsvr32 d3d11.dll";

    Register regsvr32 d3d11.dll

  • Reboot the computer.

And at this positive stage of the resolved problems with the system components of the operating system, consideration should be given to the topic of this article.

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