How to Turn Off Sticky Keys Windows 10

Date of publication of the material 26.09.2019 Article views 643 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments

The Windows operating system is designed in such a way that users who experience certain physical limitations, were able to fully use the computer, using the abundance of built-in tools.

The developers of the operating system have provided a lot of individual features of users, implementing tools in their software-assistants.

But, again, the most logical that for some users, these tools are most useful, for others they can interfere with the work, or more likely, when playing pastime.

One of the designated tools is "sticky keys", which will be discussed in this article.

What is the tool for - Sticky Keys

This function allows computer users to work with key combinations "Shift", "CTRL", "ALT" and "Windows", by the way, these keys are used in the vast majority of software as "hot".

How to turn on Sticky Keys

In order to initiate the launch of this accessibility functionality, it is enough to press the "SHIFT" key five times in a row and wait for the notification from the operating system to appear, which will be accompanied by a sound signal.

The notification is as follows:

How to turn on Sticky Keys

You will only have to click on the "YES" button and use the tool for the purpose you need.

How to turn off Sticky Keys

As already mentioned earlier, this issue is particularly acute concerns of computer game lovers, as the use of the keyboard in the game (quite often) requires multiple presses on the "SHIFT" key. And as you know, five times clicking on it will minimize the active window and display a notification with a proposal to activate the tool. This is not very pleasant, especially in the process of a fierce firefight.

So, in order to disable the "sticking", it is enough to do the following:

  • Click "start" and go to "Settings";
  • Next, select "Ease of Access"; 

How to turn off Sticky KeysGo to the Interaction block and open the "Keyboard" section;

  • Note the "Use Sticky Keys»;
  • Turn the switch to Off";
  • Uncheck the box next to "Allow the shortcut key to start Sticky Keys"

Uncheck - Allow the shortcut key to start Sticky Keys

The same option can be used for the reverse action-to enable.

As an alternative method, you can pay attention to the functionality of the "Control Panel":

  • Open "Control Panel" via "Start" or search bar;
  • Go to "Appearance and Personalization"; 

How to turn off Sticky Keys across Control Panel

  • Next, open the "Ease of Access Center"; 

Ease of Access Center

  • Scroll down the list and open "Make the keyboard easier to use"; 

Open funciotn: Make the keyboard easier to use

  • In the "Make it easier to type" block, uncheck the "Turn on Sticky Keys" line. 

uncheck the Turn on Sticky Keys line 

You will only have to save the settings.

The last thing worth noting is the possibility of a more flexible setting in the "Make the keyboard easier to use."

In General, if you approach this functionality more specifically, you can configure the work with the keyboard as individualized as possible.

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